September 04, 2011

Just Enjoy...

I was talking to a friend yesterday and we were talking about enjoyment, and the things we enjoy in life. I was explaining to him my enjoyment of cooking, eating ice cream or popcorn, and watching movies. Then I started to analyze why I enjoy them, and my friend said to me, "I think there are somethings in life that we do just because we enjoy them. God gives us some things to enjoy".

I thought about this for a while yesterday, because that was a question that I have been trying to answer for a long time. Since my arrival in Costa Rica, I have been trying to find a hobby or something that I enjoy doing that I could do when I wanted to just have fun and relax. I tried doing puzzles, drawing, creating poems, and reading a fiction book, but all of those things I didn't really enjoy. I like doing those things, but I didn't enjoy them like I enjoy: reading a non-fiction book, watching a movie, talking with a friend, seeing a live drama production, or cooking. Those things I really do enjoy so my question to you is what do you enjoy doing?

Today was another pretty fantastic day. I loved it. This morning, I went to church and met up with some friends. After the sermon, we went out for lunch and then headed to Wal-Mart. It was great hanging out with those girls and just having fun. Afterwards, I was tired but I wanted to stop by another family's house to grab a homemade cupcake, one of my weaknesses (yum!). I ended up staying and chatting with a good friend over a cup of coffee. Then she invited me to dinner, I was hesitant at first because I knew I had homework, but I really wanted to stay so I did and I am so happy I did. The Weiler's are a wonderful family. I love their heart for people and for their family, I am looking forward to spending some more time with them. Their 3 children are so much fun and I loved playing games with them. I can't remember the last time that I have laughed so much in one day.

Thank you Lord for another wonderful day and for great friends.

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