June 30, 2011

Posting Comments

I have now enabled my settings so anyone should be able to post a comment, even without a Google account. Thanks to a friend that showed me how to change my settings. Although, if you dont have an account your comment will come up as anonymous but write your name along with your comment because I would love to know that it was you commenting :-)

Continuing on...

So in continuing with this idea of relationships and loving others like God has loved us, it is also important to forgive others. We should forgive others just as God has forgiven us. Think of the Lord's prayer, "Forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us". If God is going to forgive us of our sins we must also learn to forgive others for their sins.

One of the hardest and most freeing things you can do is to forgive someone who has hurt you deeply. It is not always easy to forgive but it can be done. We have to offer everything up to the Lord, even our relationships with other people. We have to forgive in order to really be able to love. Asking/Receiving forgiveness is an act of love.

I have thought for a few years now that I have forgiven everyone who has wronged me, that is until I came to Costa Rica. For the past couple months, God has been continually bringing up a past hurt in my life that I have suppressed and tried to deny.

For a while, I have been trying to work through this hurt/pain on my own. I have opened up and started talking to people about it in order for me to fully understand my issue and pain. I started praying to God to help me through it and yesterday God answered my prayers.

As I sat in chapel before the sermon started, a woman got up and shared her testimony of forgiveness and love. Just then, it felt like a weight had been lifted off of my chest as God showed me that my hurt, pain, and issues were the result of an unforgiving heart. I am not sure why forgiveness never entered my mind before, but I am so grateful to God for showing me the way to go. I needed to forgive those people who had hurt me so many years ago and stop projecting that anger and pain on others. I needed to offer everything up to the Lord. I did this by forgiving others by acknowledging the pain they caused me and by making the decision to love them just as God loves them. I chose to let go of that hurt and pain, and I also confessed my own sins to the Lord and asked for forgiveness. Later on, I shared with a friend my decision to forgive those people, I confessed my sins again, and asked her to help keep me accountable.

It is so crucial that we do these things in order to live at peace with one another and to fully experience the joy and life God has to offer. Forgiveness is something we all need, but it is also something we need to do. Because of the hurt and pain you may feel forgiving might be something you have to do daily and pray about. You might have to daily forgive those who have hurt you until that pain is gone and you have completely given it over to the Lord. Remember, love keeps no records of wrongs. Once you forgive someone, that pain and hurt that they may have caused is to no longer be used against that person. It is to be forgotten.

"Lord forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us".

June 28, 2011

My Heart

"The More I Seek You" By: Kari Jabe

The more I seek You
The more I find You
The more I find You
The more I love You

I want to sit at Your feet
Drink from the cup in Your hand
Lay back against You and breathe
Feel Your heart beat

This love is so deep
It's more than I can stand
I melt in your peace
It's overwhelming

Seeking God is something we all should do. There are many verses in the Bible that talk about seeking God and His Kingdom. Here are only a few: (Read these verses slow and let them sink in.)

  • Matthew 6:33, "But seek first His Kingdom.."
  • Deuteronomy 4:29, "But if from there you seek the LORD, your God, you will find him if you seek him will all your heart and with all your soul."
  • 2 Corinthians 15:2, "The Lord is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you."
  • Psalm 9:10, "Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you."
  • Psalm 27:4, "One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple."
  • Psalm 34:10, "Fear the LORD, you his holy people for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing."
  • Psalm 105:4, "Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always."
The more I seek God the more I find Him. It is truly amazing. Are you seeking God?

I also love in the song above how it talks about God's love being so deep. "This love is so deep". In the Bible, God's love is described as abounding, eternal, enduring forever, great, unfailing, and rich. The Bible also says, "God is love". Therefore since God is love, all of the characteristics of love described in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 apply to God and His love. God's love is patient, kind, does not envy, does not boast, is not proud, is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs, and it does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth. God's love always protect, trust, hopes, and perseveres. God's love never fails.

God's love is so deep. We are to have that same deep love for others. We are not suppose to pick and choose who receives that love, but we are to love like God has loved us. God tells us to love one another, for love comes from Him. God is love. He showed us that love through His Son, Jesus Christ. God's love is made complete in us because if we love one another God lives in us. We love because He first loved us. (1 John 4:7-21)

We are to live in an intimate relationship with the Lord, but also with other people. Relationships are so important and make up a part of who we are as human beings and as God's creation, we are relational beings. Let us seek first a relationship with the Lord and then out of that relationship share God's love/our love with others.

My own personal prayer:
"Lord, let me be willing to be vulnerable with others and build relationships that may please and glorify you. Remind me daily that there is no fear in love. Teach me to love those who I find difficult to love. Love always trust so teach me to trust those around me, whom I struggle to trust. Please continue to give me discernment and help me to grow in wisdom. Lord thank you for always keeping your promises. I love you. May that love I have for you and you for me shine through my life. Thank you for loving me even though I am unworthy. Thank you Lord, Amen."

June 27, 2011

Spiritual Emphasis Week (a.k.a. SEW)

This week at ILE is Spiritual Emphasis Week, what this means is every day we will have two chapel services and the teachers are not allowed to give us any homework. The morning chapel is trilingual (Spanish, English, and Korean). The afternoon service is in English and we break into small groups. I love the speakers and the worship team we have this week from the U.S.A., they are all so good and super nice.

This afternoon in the women's group we focused on 1 Peter 4:7-11.

"The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in it's various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen." (NIV)

There is urgency in this passage along with a lot of responsibility. How much would your mindset and attitude change when you are serving or speaking if every time you did these things you did them as if God was right there besides you? If when you spoke, you spoke as one speaking the words of God and served as with the strength of God. That is pretty amazing to think about, what a difference there would be not only in us but also in the lives around us.

What a difference there would be if we all loved each other deeply. I love that the word deeply is included there because to me that shows intimacy. Are you willing to put your heart out there and love others just as God has loved you? Because as Scripture says, "Love covers a multitude of sins". Just think of God's love for you and how He gave His one and only Son, Jesus to die for you and for your sins.

When you choose to love someone deeply, you also choose to forgive them and their sins. You don't hang onto their sin and use it against them, you forgive and move forward, because you love them deeply.

We do all of these things "so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and power for ever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 4:11.

June 26, 2011


Today was a good day when it came to knowing Spanish until I went to see Cars 2, I didn't understand 90% of it. Although, it was an alright movie. If I had been more interested and actually paid attention I might have understood more. I started falling asleep during the middle of the show. =D Today has been a busy day but I had a lot of fun.

I would write more than just that, but I am really tired so I am going to bed. Although, before I leave here is my prayer...

Lord of Lords and King of Kings thank you for showing your presence to me today in church. It is really hard for me to pay attention sometimes because I have a hard time following, but thank you for allowing me to understand more today.

God may your presence be known in Valle del Sol. I know you care for the children there more than I do, so may they come know your love and your amazing grace.

Lord I pray also for all of the health and lives of my family and friends. I love them deeply and it hurts me sometimes to be away from them. God please be specifically with my grandparents, in their times of weakness may they lean on your strength. Please continue to bless them with a new day.

God I know there are many things on my heart and many prayer requests I want to share, but God may you search my heart and answer them according to your will. You are good and holy. Please hear my prayers, amen.

June 25, 2011

Spiritual Warfare

Where there is good being done Satan is near waiting for an opportunity to break you down.

There are so many in's and out's in ministry and missions that it breaks my heart when people lose sight of the Lord and start battling one another, instead of working together. Satan will stick his thoughts and ideas into anyone's mind, who is willing to listen. That is why the Lord tells us repeatedly  in scripture to guard our hearts and our minds, and what does He say about Satan? That he is like a lion crouching at your door.

Spiritual warfare is all around us, we just have to open our eyes to see it. There is a constant battle between good and evil, but as Christians we know that good has and will overcome evil. We just need to keep focusing on the Lord and clinging to what is good.

When I think of clinging, I think of a little child hiding behind their parent's legs clinging to them. You know when you meet a shy child for the first time and they run behind mom or dad and cling to their legs, while slowly sticking their head around to see you. This is the image that comes into my head. Just like little children God wants us to cling onto him.

It broke my heart today to see the spiritual warfare not only in the ministry at Valle del Sol, but also in the lives of the children. I met a boy named Es today, and in his eyes I saw his innocence being lost and the effects of the world starting to take place. I could tell by the way he acted and talked that he has been exposed to some very bad behavior and experiences and it broke my heart. He is only 10 and is already acting like a gangster and trying to pick fights. I want so badly to turn back time and shield his eyes from what he has already seen, but the only thing I can do now is build a relationship with him and show him God's love, and pray for him.

Today, I got to witness more of the violence and crime that takes place in the barrio, along with all of the children. As we began to play outside a fight almost broke out. Then later, I witnessed a guy adjusting a gun in his pocket and another guy carrying around a huge knife like he was proud of it. What could I do except stay out there with the children, some of whom didn't even react or show any emotion to the things going on around them. We just played games and tried to have fun. This is life as they know it and for an hour each week I get to enter into their life and world, in order to share God's love and build relationships, and show them how to have fun and laugh in a healthy way. I love those kids.

June 24, 2011

Our Focus...

¨Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.¨ Colossians 3:1-3

I love this passage in Scripture and this past week I have needed to be reminded of this truth. Yesterday, as I was working in the computer lab checking e-mail, printing out homework, and writing my blog, I found this notecard with this verse written on it. I know that someone did not purposely leave that there for me, but maybe God did. As I read that verse and thought about all of the things that my mind has been focusing on this week, I began to feel this sense of peace. This is exactly what I needed to hear.

As I have said many times before, I tend to worry a lot even though I know there is nothing to worry about. Over the years, I have been able to correct my way of thinking and eliminate many of the things that I use to worry about, but I still have a few things that enter my mind every now and then that bring me stress and cause me to worry. This why I need to be reminded daily to set my mind on the things above and not on earthly things. My heart needs to be focused on God. I can´t spend my time worrying about the future or about other things.

If I truly believe that my life is hidden in Christ then I have nothing to worry about and nothing to fear, for God cares deeply for all of His children and takes care of all of their needs. Let's us all be reminded that our time on this earth is limited and that we need to focus our minds and hearts on the Lord.

June 23, 2011

God is Good

Today in chapel, we were praying over Spiritual Emphasis week, which is taking place next week, and we were praying for one another and praising God. Then I had one of those I am not sure what to say God so I am just going to sit here and worship you and cry. God has made me so emotional over the past 6 years and He continues to break my heart for those who are in pain and suffering. Today, as I listened to the struggles of some of my fellow students I just wept for them. I also sat in silence and cried over my own personal prayers.

There are many things that I do not understand about God and our world, but there is one thing that I hold to be true is God is good. No matter what takes place in my life or in the life of others I cling to that. It can be hard to see the good in suffering and pain, but even through those trials I cling to God. I have learned over the years that the best thing you can do for someone in mourning is to just mourn with them and pray in silence. There has been times in my life when I felt like giving up and just walking away because of the suffering and pain that I see in the world and in the lives of others, but there is something deep inside me that won´t let go of the Lord. My heart does and will always say God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

June 22, 2011

Time to Move Forward

After my relaxing weekend, I have been working on catching up on homework, emails, cleaning, and some other things that I have been putting off. Believe it or not I actually did some sewing to fix a few of my favorite pieces of clothing. I am not very good at sewing but I am getting better.

Yesterday, a friend and I went to the national theatre to see a show. (This week they have a production taking place at noon every day for only $2.) The theatre is beautiful! I will return some day and take pictures so that you can see it. The paintings on the cieling are breath taking. I didn't have any expectations when going to see the show but the actual production really surprised me. It was a interpretive modern dance production with music in English. I really love dance so the choreography was great but overall the actual production was just okay.

Today, I went downtown with some friends and walked around and went to the artisan market. Two of my friends are leaving tomorrow for Peru so we had a girls day out in order to say our goodbyes. I am going to miss those girls but I know God has a reason for everything so it was just their time to go. I am not looking forward to this meeting everyone and then saying goodbye. I know the longer I stay here and the more I get to know people the harder it will be to say goodbye.

P.S. If you could please pray for me I would appreciate it. I have been feeling sick for almost 3 weeks now. It has not been bad so I have been avoiding the doctor but I would really like it if my body would get back to normal. I am not sure if because I had a cold a week ago that my voice is starting to mess up, but I would really like my voice to be normal so that I can speak Spanish properly.

June 21, 2011


This is a topic I want to write about today because I think as people we complain alot! If we don't get our way we complain. If we feel entitled to something and don't get it we complain. If things don't go as planned we complain. You might be thinking oh I don't complain that much...if you are thinking that chances are you do. Stop and think about the things this past week that you complained about or wanted to.

This past weekend was wonderful and I absolutely loved Nicaragua, but I was shocked and even embarrassed by how much some of the missionaries complained. If someone claims to be a missionary or a Christian I hold them to a higher standard than most people because they know the Lord or at least I hope they do. We, as Christians, should not complain constantly. If you find yourself complaining constantly, that is something that you need to work on. By constantly, I mean that you complain at least 3 times a day.

I know we can all find things to complain about: the children that won't stop crying, being late for an appointment, someone is not returning your e-mails or calls, that rude person at the grocery store, bad traffic, etc. My thought I want to share with you is this....is it really worth it. Who is your complaining going to help besides yourself? If you can't think of anyone besides yourself or family than don't do it. Whose day is going to be made better because you complained? I have never met anyone that has ever said, "Wow I am so glad that I got hear that person complain for the past hour. My day just got so much better".

I know there are things that you might want to bring to someone's attention but before you complain think about what is you are complaining about and if it is really worth the time and energy. If you are angry don't complain right away take a moment think about it and about the other person (or even the other people you are with) then approach someone if needed.

Christians and Missionaries I would expect to be more flexible, more compassionate, and kinder than most people so seriously try to complain less. You might find that you might become a happier person and so might the people around you. Learn to go with the flow and take on situations as they appear and determine how that situation is going to affect you 24 hours from now. If it won't, don't complain. If it will affect you in 24 hours, be compassionate and understanding.

I would love to challenge everyone even myself to complain a little less each day, and become more flexible with "our" time and money, more understanding, and more compassionate.

June 20, 2011

Adios Nicaragua

Today we are heading back to Costa Rica from Nicaragua. I am some what sad to be leaving this lovely place so soon, but I am looking forward to the comforts of home. That is right I said it, home. San Jose has become home and I am looking forward to seeing my host family.

Nicaragua has been the best trip that I have taken so far. I have been able to enjoy new sights and really relax. Relaxing for me is never easy but I have found all of my worries slowly drifting away day by day since my arrival here. I have enjoyed trying new foods and meeting new people. I have really enjoyed getting to know the Nicaraguan people.

I am surprised at how sad I actually am to leave. I don't think I have ever fallen in love with a place so quickly. Even though it has only been 4 days and 3 nights I am in love with Nicaragua. God willing I would love to return some day. 

June 19, 2011


I am in Nicaragua renewing my visa so that I can continue to stay in Costa Rica under a tourist visa. In order to keep an updated tourist visa I have to go out of the country every so many weeks for at least 72 hours. The school has students who volunteer to plan trips so that the students my renew their visas as a group in a fun and safe manner.

This trip for me is somewhat of a surprise. I am sincerely enjoying myself and learning a ton. I am learning alot about the people and about the city of Granada. I say it is a surpise because I am learning things that I didn't expect to learn and God is really working in my heart here. Yesterday, the Lord and I had a few one on one moments that I didn't expect. One moment was during my devotion time and suddenly I heard people singing worship songs in English. I turned around and behind the bushes was a group of over 30 teenagers on a mission trip worshiping and having a time of devotion together. I sat behind the bushes singing along and worshiping, just me and my Father. Then the devotion started and I asked a leader of the group if I could join the group. He said it was fine and I got to listen to a great sermon. The man talked about flying on the wings of the eagles and he compared the life of an eagle to our relationship with the Lord and God just spoke to my heart.

Later on in the day as a friend and I decided to go exploring we came across a worship service inside a church. We walked in and she started walking around and I sat down and just observed. They were preparing for a worship service and testing the sound equipment then a woman came up to me and asked if she could put a pin on me, which said pentecost. I said sure since everyone had one and then my friend and I left to go for a walk. Well, I couldn't get that church and those people out of my mind so we went back. For over 4 hours, these people just sang and danced to worship songs praising the Lord. We did not stay the whole time but for the time that we did stay God really touched my heart. I was worshiping and then out of nowhere I started just crying. I was crying because of how overwhelmed I feel by God's love for me and for His children and I was crying because God reminded me in that moment of why I am a missionary. I looked around the room at all of those people worshiping and I just cried because that is what my heart longs for the rest of the world. My heart longs for the world to be able to stand and worship the Lord as one, joined together in Christ. That is why I am a missionary because there are people out there who don't the Lord and His love, and nothing breaks my heart more that. Standing together with the people of Nicaragua worshiping in a language I am just starting to understand was a wonderful experience. God is so good. When I am at a lost for words those words always come to my mind, God is good.

June 16, 2011

Things to know when living in San Jose

  1. Don't flush the toilet paper down the toilet.
  2. The water is safe to drink inside the city but be careful when traveling else where.
  3. When walking always move out of the way for woman with children.
  4. Don't walk alone at night.
  5. Don't point at people, that is really bad.
  6. Bring an umbrella it rains almost every day.
  7. When visiting a beach wear sunscreen even if you think you don't burn.
  8. Don't carry valueables with you. If you have to carry them then be smart and don't flash your phone or iPod around. People literally get shot for those things here.
  9. Talk to people. The majority of Costa Ricans you will meet will be nice and helpful.
  10. If you skateboard or play fĆŗtbol you will automatically be a cool gringo among the youth.
  11. If you want a real Costa Rican meal you won't find it at the mall. You are not a true Tico unless you eat gallo pinto for breakfast.
  12. You must visit POPS. It is the best ice cream there is. You can find a store just about anywhere.
  13. If you really want to fit in pack heels and dress clothes. Looks matter here.
  14. Taking a shower every day is important.  Most people here take their showers in the morning.
  15. If you have perfume or colgne use it. Smelling good is important.
  16. Drying your clothes on a clothesline might take two days so be patient.
  17. Not all taxis are real taxis be aware of pirate taxis.
  18. Wash all your fruit before eating. The best place to buy fruit and vegetables is at the Feria on Saturday.
  19. Go to church, you will learn not only about God but also alot about the culture. It is a great experience.
  20. Stepping in dog poop or being pooped on by a bird means good fortune or luck here so be happy if it happens.
  21. If someone tells you to be somewhere it is better to show up a little late 15 mins. Unless the person who told you the time acts like an American if so then be on time.
  22. When ever you walk into a room. It is polite to greet everyone in the room.
  23. If someone offers you coffee or a snack take it and be polite. If you seriously can't have it, make an excuse saying your stomach hurts.
  24. Bus transportation is important so learn where the stops are not all of them are marked.
  25. If you are a guy don't carry a colored umbrella. It is culturally appropriate only to have a black umbrella. Woman you can have any umbrella you want.
  26. Don't blow your nose in public. It is rude.

June 15, 2011

With each day it feels more like home...

Tonight after I finished my homework and had dinner, I watched TV for a while and then cleaned my room. I went around and dusted some of my shelves with some cleaning supplies that I bought at the store. After I finished I sat on my bed and smiled at my organized room. It feels a bit more like home each day.

Even with my host family I am starting to feel more connected. Not completely but a little more each day. We have an understanding of one another and we continue to build a relationship. I love mamĆ­ and papĆ­.

Also I am getting use to walking everywhere even though this week I didn't feel like walking. When I don't feel like walking I just take the bus but to go to the grocery store and school it is easier just to walk. Jumbo has become my favorite store because it reminds me of home. It is big and has a variety of different things. I can usually find what I need there and compare prices.

School is becoming more like college and I really enjoy it. Especially, chapel every Tuesday  and Thursday. I look forward to seeing all of my friends and learning new Spanish words. Some days it is more fun than others depending on how I am feeling. Some days I am like a sponge and just soak in information. Then other days I am like cement that blocks out everything and I feel like my mind can't handle anymore. On those days it is good to take a break and step back and then try again.

I am also getting more involved in working with the kids and I love it. Tonight I purchased some poster board and copied the lyrics to some children's songs on them. This week the kids are going to learn Father Abraham and a few others. Last week, I started doing the motions to the song during worship time and then I realized that it was the first time the kids were hearing the song. Horacio then asked me to teach it to the children next week, but since I am going to be gone. Shawn, another volunteer, is going to teach them the song.

This has been one busy but wonderful week. This Friday I leave for Nicaragua to renew my tourist visa with the students from the school. We have a 5 day weekend so I will be in Nicaragua til Monday evening. I am excited about this trip and I am looking forward to exploring a new city.

June 14, 2011


Do you see God's blessing each day? Can you feel his presence? Do you see God in your every day life?

I believe it is extremely important to see God every day in your life. This doesn't mean you need to look for extradinary things or miracles, but if you open yours eyes you might see more of those things. It is important to see God in your life. He was the one that created you and this world so you don't have to look too far to see Him. Take the sunrise and sunset as an obvious example. How can you not see God in that? Who really has that much creativity and imagination besides God.

Seeing God physically we can not do. Not even the Israelites could see Him because if they did they would die. However, we can see God in His creations. We can see God's faithfulness in our lives. There are many things that you can see if you open your eyes.

This is why me and unbelievers have such a hard time seeing eye to eye because I can't see anything but God's handprints in my life and they have a hard time seeing Him at all. I think this where the "I once was blind but now I can see" phrase comes into play. Before we were followers of Christ we were blind for God only allowed us to see what we wanted to see but once our hearts changed and we became one with Him, He opened our eyes so that we could see. Sometimes I believe we need help to see and this is where some followers who are farther along in their faith come into play. They came help us see beyond what we already can see on our own.

My prayer for everyone is that their eyes may be opened so that they may see the one true God, who pursues them daily. If you cannot see God pray that He would reveal Himself to you.

June 13, 2011


If you could pray that I would be healed from this cold. I would appreciate. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support! I give thanks every time I think of you. You all mean so much to me and I am so grateful to have all of you in my life.

June 12, 2011

There is no one like our God...

As I have had time to reflect on God and my life, it is amazing to see God's faithfulness and love. Even during my lows God still lifted me up when I cried out to Him. He is so wonderful. He is the reason I rise each morning and rest each night. Each day is full of His love.

I get so confused sometimes when I see or hear of people who don't believe in God. Because to me it is like how can you not? I just can't imagine life without Him. This is why I work so hard and go to the places that I go to. When you have found something so right and good you want to share it with the world. I don't do this work for me I do it for all of people I met who are lost and feel hopeless. I do this work because I am a servant of Lord.

I love how I was reading a message today by my friend Eric Elder and he talked about being a servant of the Lord. But the way servant was used originally in the Bible meant being a slave to. You were a slave to the Lord. Now I know this doesn't sound appealing but Eric made a good point, who else or what else would you want to be a slave to? (money, your job, alcohol, etc.) I am perfectly fine being a slave to the Lord. I know He is always faithful and is all loving. Also, I actually like that He punishes those who do wrong because I know He is merciful and just. I wouldn't want to be a slave to anyone or anything else.

When I look at the faces of the people I work with and in the faces of children I see hope. I see God's children. I see love. Everyone is looking for a little more love in their life but you don't have to look much farther than God. If His love isn't enough than I don't know what is. He will never leave or forsake you. He already died on the cross for you and promises you eternal life. Sounds like a pretty great God to me. He will and will always be enough for me. He knew my name before I was born and I love Him with all my heart. It is easy to serve a God you love. I will continue to be a slave to the one and only true God.

June 11, 2011

Todo es bien....All is well

This past week for the most part has been good, despite my rocky start. This week I have been able to practice more of my Spanish and I have enjoyed getting to know some more people from school.

I spent some time this week really trying to focus on God and His heart for His children. It amazes me how this week God new exactly what I needed and when I needed it. I know He knows my desires and my heart so I shouldn't be so surprised when He continues to meet my needs, but I am. His love just overwhelmes me.

This week I have made a really good friend, named Elaine. I think God has placed her in my life at this time because He knew I needed someone who I could relate to and open up to. He knew I needed another friend, and she is a pretty good one.

To celebrate the weekend yesterday we went to the movies and then had dinner. On Fridays, after I get done having a test. I need to do something to relax. Going out to a movie or dinner or just doing something by myself like buying popcorn and a coke is a great way to start the weekend and relax from the week. Movies here are super cheap too, which is really nice, they only cost 3.50 American dollars. Rio so far has been my favorite movie in Spanish. It was so funny.  I have only gone to the movies 3 times but I really enjoy watching movies. Tomorrow I am going to see a Ballet which I know doesn't sound exciting to some, but I love it. I love getting dressed up and going to the theatre. The group is an international Christian ballet called Ballet Magnificat.

Today, I was able to go work again at Valle del Sol. I had a lot of fun. I was in charge this week of coming up with a craft and leading a small group of elementary children in a discussion on lesson they just heard. Well since I couldn't really discuss with them the story, which was on the Birth of Christ. My Spanish is not at the point were I can say everything I want so I improvised. We just read the story together again in Spanish. I had each child read a portion from Mark until we finished it. Then we made our craft which was a recreation of the nativity scene. The children drew Mary, Joseph, and Jesus then we glued popsicle sticks around the picture to make the manger. The kids really enjoyed it. It was nice to see them get so focused on making something and really enjoy it. I also did get to practice alot of my Spanish since the older kids really love to talk. I also got to led the worship songs which made me really nervous. Even though, all I had to do was stand in front follow the words on the posterboard and sing along with a cd. Singing I am learning is a great way to practice Spanish.

I am getting better at being able to sing and pronounce words. Vowels in Spanish are so important. It doesn't matter how long it takes you but you will pronounce every vowel in every word. I am becoming a fan of long words because I think they are more fun to say. You would be surprised if you study the English language and see how we butcher our vowels. I am learning so much about English when I am studying Spanish, because I compare the two languages. I also have to focus alot on the pronunciation of each word and how I move my mouth and tongue, somethings that were so natural for me in English are now harder. But I love it.

June 09, 2011

EspaƱol/English, Mi casa en Costa Rica,My house in Costa Rica

En mi casa en Costa Rica hay una sala. La sala es blanca y grande. En la sala hay un sofĆ” y dos sillĆ³nes son muy cĆ³modos. La sala estĆ” al lado del comedor. En el comedor hay una mesa con un centro de mesa. La lĆ”mpara del techo en el comedor es bonita y antigua. La cocina estĆ” enfrente del comedor. La cocina es pequeƱa. Me gusta la cocina. En la cocina hay una refrigerdora y un gabinete muy espacioso. TambiĆ©n en la cocina hay un trastero para los platos y las tazos. En la pared hay unos girsoles.

Mi dormitorio estĆ” atrĆ”s del patio y el cuarto de pilas. Kelly tiene el dormitorio cerca de mi dormitorio. En el patio hay unas plantas y una mesa para estudiar. TambiĆ©n hay una televisiĆ³n. El patio es bonito. No hay techo en el patio. Mi casa es muy bonita en Costa Rica. La familia dentro de la casa is bella.

In my house in Costa Rica there is a living room. The living room is white and big. In the living room there is a sofa and two chairs, which are very comfortable. The living room is next to the dining room. In the dining room there is a table with a centerpiece. The cieling lamp is a beautiful antique. The kitchen is in front of the dining room. The kitchen is small. I like the kitchen. In the kitchen there is a refrigerator and counters with alot of space. There is also a china cabinet for the plates and cups. On the walls there are sunflowers.

My bedroom is behind the patio and the laundry room. Kelly's room is near my room. On the patio there are plants and a table for studying. Also there is a television. The patio is pretty. There is no roof on the patio. My house in Costa Rica is very nice. The family inside the house is beautiful both inside and out.

( That was my homework for this morning. I realized when I started to translate it and write it that I sound like a child, but this is where I am at when it comes to the Spanish language. I speak like a child but little by little, poco un poco, I am improving. Yo estoy complacida con mi tarea. I am pleased with my homework. I am seeing improvements every day.)

June 08, 2011

Hot Hot Hot...

When I say, "Hot, Hot, Hot". I am not referring to the food, but the weather. Today has been hot, hot, hot as the guy on the One Caribbean weather channel would say. I can't wait for it to rain again and cool off.

Above is a picture of my lunch from today. Some people have been asking for pictures of my meals so here you are. Don't ask me what the thing on the left is because I don't know. It some type of potatoe like wrap with meat inside. On the right, there is rice with eggs, potatoes, and some meat. My motto when it comes to eating here is no matter what is set in front of you just eat it. As a famous traveler and chef once said, "anytime you travel and go into someone else's house you eat like you are at grandma's. You don't know how long they have been preparing that meal. You wouldn't say no to grandma so you shut up and eat whatever is on that plate and act like it is the best thing you ever ate". The idea is to just eat whatever is placed in front of you. This act shows respect to the cook and the family. Plus, as I have learned over the years if you are a guest in a house in a poor country chances are they are giving you the best and most expensive things they have. You are getting the best cuts of meat and more food than they would normally eat themselves so since you could possibly be eating a meal that would normally feed four people, out respect just eat and show appreciation.

Also, today has been a great day. I am just focusing on the Lord and trying to make the most out of every opportunity. God is good, unfailing, faithful, merciful, and mighty.

June 07, 2011

El martes, yo estoy alegre.

On Tuesday, I am happy. Today has been a good day. I spent a lot of time in the word yesterday and woke up today feeling refreshed and ready to go. I still am working through my issues but God is in control and I put trust in the Lord.

Today, like most Tuesdays I played volleyball and did zumba, a workout dance class. My classes today went fairly well. Although, I am nerviosa (nervous) about my exams next week but everything will be fine. I am preparing this week so everything will be okay.

I wanted to share with you today my favorite Psalm. I had a friend ask me about my favorite Bible verse but it is hard for me to pick one. Chances are if you ask me that question it will be different every time because God uses different verses and stories to speak into my life at certain times. One of my favorite Psalms is Psalm 143. This Psalm has spoken to my soul in times of hardships or trials. I have read this Psalm numerous times through out the years and I have cried over this Psalm. Right now, I am memorizing a portion of this Psalm in Spanish, verse 8, but, because this Psalm means so much to me I am going to share the whole thing. I would recommend reading this slowly and letting the words speak from your heart, say the Psalm like it was written as a prayer.

"O LORD, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief. Do not bring your servant into judgment for no one living is righteous before you. The enemy pursues me, he crushes me to the ground; he makes me dwell in darkness like those long dead. So my spirit grows faint within me; my heart within me is dismayed. I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done. I spread out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land. Answer me quickly, O LORD; my spirit fails. Do not hide your face from me or I will be like those who go down to the pit. Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Rescue me from my enemies, O LORD, for I hide myself in you. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good spirit lead me on level ground. For your name's sake, O LORD, preserve my life, in your righteousness, bring me out of trouble. In your unfailing love, silence me enemies; destroy all my foes, for I am your servant."


June 06, 2011

Update and Prayer Request

This past weekend was really good. It was great to get away and relax. It was really nice to sit on the beach and watch people surf. As one of my friend's said, "God has some imagination". While sitting on the beach and walking around I was able to see things that I have never seen before in real life. Like a competitive surf competition or parrots in the wild. Also, I have never seen a gray beach but it was really nice and we had a lot of fun relaxing and taking in God's amazing imagination.

I wish I could say that the weekend ended well but it didn't. Nothing really bad happened (Praise the Lord) but the possibility was there. Traveling at night even with a group is not fun in Costa Rica, and I wouldn't recommend it. If I had known that the bus was going to take 4 hours we would have left earlier. I am not going to go into details but it was a very stressful evening for me. So stressful that I came back and almost had a panic attack (I am prone to having situational panic attacks). Today, I have cried on and off through out most of the day both because of the stress of the situation and in praise to God for His protection.

The bad experience of traveling back was necessary for growth because now I can be more caution in the future. Also because of that experience I now recognize an issue that I have to work on. You can never avoid an issue or problem in your life forever sooner or later you are going to be forced to face it. My issue goes back to a bad experience from a few years ago on a previous mission trip and from a broken relationship. Well now I am staring directly at the pain and my imperfection, and I am praying for the next step to take.

I share a bit of this with you to let you know that the mission field is not always easy but God is good. We are never sure why God allows certain things to happen or affect us, but what matters is how you respond to the situation and to God. When I said His will be done I knew that there would be hardships, but I trust in Him. Jesus' life was not easy so why should you expect yours to be any different.

Please pray for continue protection and please also pray for my heart. I say my my heart because it is aching right now and although I don't wish to share all of the details I could still use your continued prayers.

June 03, 2011

Taking off for the weekend...

My exciting news was going to be that I was planning on going to the Dominican Republic but I decided not to go. Sometimes the timing and everything just isn't right. I felt like God was telling me to be wise and not to go so I am not going. However, I am now going to take a weekend trip to the beach for two days. I have been needing a break so I am taking this weekend to relax and see something outside of the city. I have not got the chance to really explore outside of downtown San Jose. So I am super excited to hop on a bus at 6am for 3 hours to go to the beach and explore an new area in Costa Rica. I won't be writing this weekend but I will have stories to share on Sunday. Have a great weekend!

June 02, 2011

We all become children again....

There was a guy in chapel today who talked about becoming like a child. He said, "Trying to learn a language is like becoming a child again". Which is so true. Every day I come home from school eat lunch and then take a nap or do homework. All of which a child does depending on his or her age, but what really compares me to a child is what I am learning. I am learning to speak all over again. At 23 years old, I am trying to learn how to say, " I want to go to the park" or more simply, "I need to go to the bathroom".  Actually, forget about making sentences I am still trying to learn my numbers and the names of the objects in my house.

Being a child again at an adult age is not easy because we have to let go of our independence and learn to depend on other people. We go from knowing alot to knowing nothing at all. We going from being effective to being less effective. We going from knowing how to communicate to not knowing how to communicate.

If you don't have humility you can forget about learning another language because you just won't do it. You have to be humble and being willing to make mistakes. You also have to be willing to be corrected and laugh at yourself.

I laugh at myself almost everyday because I realize how ridiculous I sound when trying to speak Spanish. I sit at my desk after school and I can hear my host mom's grandson, David, who is 4 years old studying and learning the exact same the as I am.

Although, being like a child is not so bad because everyday I am learning something new. Also, everyday I am meeting someone new because when trying to learn a language you will talk to just about anyone to be able to practice. Being a child is not so bad because the world is your playground once again. Although, there are days when I wish I could have the energy of child.   

June 01, 2011


" Lord, what will you give me today to offer back to you?" -Elisabeth  Elliot

The answer to this question is going to be different for everyone but every day, as Christians, we need to be thankful and offer everything up to God. Some days we may be required to sacrifice something that we, with our controlling human spirit, are not ready to let go of. Being thankful is hard to do in the midst of suffering because we can't see the bigger picture or understand why God has allowed this to happen. We just know that we are in pain and are very angry. This is where we have to offer it up to God, the Creator of the Universe.

Everything good that we have comes from Him: our friends, our husbands/wifes, our boyfriends/girlfriends, our children, our material possessions, even our health. All of these things need to be offered up to God. 

We have to live a life of sacrifice because God demands our all in life. When need to trust in the Lord. Some days we may sacrifice things that we are not ready to let go of, but we can offer God the sacrifice of our broken hearts. All of our sorrows and gladness need to be given to God, day in day out (Elisabeth  Elliot ). He who meets all of our needs perfectly according to His will, is all loving. He understands our pain and our desires. He is in control but by His grace He allows us to give Him our sacrifices of the flesh and the opportunity to grow deeper into a relationship with Him.