June 21, 2011


This is a topic I want to write about today because I think as people we complain alot! If we don't get our way we complain. If we feel entitled to something and don't get it we complain. If things don't go as planned we complain. You might be thinking oh I don't complain that much...if you are thinking that chances are you do. Stop and think about the things this past week that you complained about or wanted to.

This past weekend was wonderful and I absolutely loved Nicaragua, but I was shocked and even embarrassed by how much some of the missionaries complained. If someone claims to be a missionary or a Christian I hold them to a higher standard than most people because they know the Lord or at least I hope they do. We, as Christians, should not complain constantly. If you find yourself complaining constantly, that is something that you need to work on. By constantly, I mean that you complain at least 3 times a day.

I know we can all find things to complain about: the children that won't stop crying, being late for an appointment, someone is not returning your e-mails or calls, that rude person at the grocery store, bad traffic, etc. My thought I want to share with you is this....is it really worth it. Who is your complaining going to help besides yourself? If you can't think of anyone besides yourself or family than don't do it. Whose day is going to be made better because you complained? I have never met anyone that has ever said, "Wow I am so glad that I got hear that person complain for the past hour. My day just got so much better".

I know there are things that you might want to bring to someone's attention but before you complain think about what is you are complaining about and if it is really worth the time and energy. If you are angry don't complain right away take a moment think about it and about the other person (or even the other people you are with) then approach someone if needed.

Christians and Missionaries I would expect to be more flexible, more compassionate, and kinder than most people so seriously try to complain less. You might find that you might become a happier person and so might the people around you. Learn to go with the flow and take on situations as they appear and determine how that situation is going to affect you 24 hours from now. If it won't, don't complain. If it will affect you in 24 hours, be compassionate and understanding.

I would love to challenge everyone even myself to complain a little less each day, and become more flexible with "our" time and money, more understanding, and more compassionate.

1 comment:

  1. If you noticed I was complaining about other peoples complaining, that is why I too fall into this category of complainers occasionally. That is why I included myself in the challenge at the end of the blog.
