June 11, 2011

Todo es bien....All is well

This past week for the most part has been good, despite my rocky start. This week I have been able to practice more of my Spanish and I have enjoyed getting to know some more people from school.

I spent some time this week really trying to focus on God and His heart for His children. It amazes me how this week God new exactly what I needed and when I needed it. I know He knows my desires and my heart so I shouldn't be so surprised when He continues to meet my needs, but I am. His love just overwhelmes me.

This week I have made a really good friend, named Elaine. I think God has placed her in my life at this time because He knew I needed someone who I could relate to and open up to. He knew I needed another friend, and she is a pretty good one.

To celebrate the weekend yesterday we went to the movies and then had dinner. On Fridays, after I get done having a test. I need to do something to relax. Going out to a movie or dinner or just doing something by myself like buying popcorn and a coke is a great way to start the weekend and relax from the week. Movies here are super cheap too, which is really nice, they only cost 3.50 American dollars. Rio so far has been my favorite movie in Spanish. It was so funny.  I have only gone to the movies 3 times but I really enjoy watching movies. Tomorrow I am going to see a Ballet which I know doesn't sound exciting to some, but I love it. I love getting dressed up and going to the theatre. The group is an international Christian ballet called Ballet Magnificat.

Today, I was able to go work again at Valle del Sol. I had a lot of fun. I was in charge this week of coming up with a craft and leading a small group of elementary children in a discussion on lesson they just heard. Well since I couldn't really discuss with them the story, which was on the Birth of Christ. My Spanish is not at the point were I can say everything I want so I improvised. We just read the story together again in Spanish. I had each child read a portion from Mark until we finished it. Then we made our craft which was a recreation of the nativity scene. The children drew Mary, Joseph, and Jesus then we glued popsicle sticks around the picture to make the manger. The kids really enjoyed it. It was nice to see them get so focused on making something and really enjoy it. I also did get to practice alot of my Spanish since the older kids really love to talk. I also got to led the worship songs which made me really nervous. Even though, all I had to do was stand in front follow the words on the posterboard and sing along with a cd. Singing I am learning is a great way to practice Spanish.

I am getting better at being able to sing and pronounce words. Vowels in Spanish are so important. It doesn't matter how long it takes you but you will pronounce every vowel in every word. I am becoming a fan of long words because I think they are more fun to say. You would be surprised if you study the English language and see how we butcher our vowels. I am learning so much about English when I am studying Spanish, because I compare the two languages. I also have to focus alot on the pronunciation of each word and how I move my mouth and tongue, somethings that were so natural for me in English are now harder. But I love it.

1 comment:

  1. so happy you enjoyed your weekend & go to relax some! Also, I'm so proud of you for taking the lead the children at Valle del Sol! I knew you would do great! Also, I just love your passion to learn the Spanish language! I wish I had the patience and desire to do such a thing, it is obvious you are taking your studies very seriously! You're amazing girl.
