June 09, 2011

Español/English, Mi casa en Costa Rica,My house in Costa Rica

En mi casa en Costa Rica hay una sala. La sala es blanca y grande. En la sala hay un sofá y dos sillónes son muy cómodos. La sala está al lado del comedor. En el comedor hay una mesa con un centro de mesa. La lámpara del techo en el comedor es bonita y antigua. La cocina está enfrente del comedor. La cocina es pequeña. Me gusta la cocina. En la cocina hay una refrigerdora y un gabinete muy espacioso. También en la cocina hay un trastero para los platos y las tazos. En la pared hay unos girsoles.

Mi dormitorio está atrás del patio y el cuarto de pilas. Kelly tiene el dormitorio cerca de mi dormitorio. En el patio hay unas plantas y una mesa para estudiar. También hay una televisión. El patio es bonito. No hay techo en el patio. Mi casa es muy bonita en Costa Rica. La familia dentro de la casa is bella.

In my house in Costa Rica there is a living room. The living room is white and big. In the living room there is a sofa and two chairs, which are very comfortable. The living room is next to the dining room. In the dining room there is a table with a centerpiece. The cieling lamp is a beautiful antique. The kitchen is in front of the dining room. The kitchen is small. I like the kitchen. In the kitchen there is a refrigerator and counters with alot of space. There is also a china cabinet for the plates and cups. On the walls there are sunflowers.

My bedroom is behind the patio and the laundry room. Kelly's room is near my room. On the patio there are plants and a table for studying. Also there is a television. The patio is pretty. There is no roof on the patio. My house in Costa Rica is very nice. The family inside the house is beautiful both inside and out.

( That was my homework for this morning. I realized when I started to translate it and write it that I sound like a child, but this is where I am at when it comes to the Spanish language. I speak like a child but little by little, poco un poco, I am improving. Yo estoy complacida con mi tarea. I am pleased with my homework. I am seeing improvements every day.)


  1. Chels, I love that it's in Spanish at the top. You're doing so well! :] You've come a long way since Language Communication and Culture. :P Remember when you thought that I was just making up my language text when I would speak Thai. :P

  2. LOVE IT! I Can't wait for all your posts to be like this... you're really learning A LOT, so proud of you!
