June 19, 2011


I am in Nicaragua renewing my visa so that I can continue to stay in Costa Rica under a tourist visa. In order to keep an updated tourist visa I have to go out of the country every so many weeks for at least 72 hours. The school has students who volunteer to plan trips so that the students my renew their visas as a group in a fun and safe manner.

This trip for me is somewhat of a surprise. I am sincerely enjoying myself and learning a ton. I am learning alot about the people and about the city of Granada. I say it is a surpise because I am learning things that I didn't expect to learn and God is really working in my heart here. Yesterday, the Lord and I had a few one on one moments that I didn't expect. One moment was during my devotion time and suddenly I heard people singing worship songs in English. I turned around and behind the bushes was a group of over 30 teenagers on a mission trip worshiping and having a time of devotion together. I sat behind the bushes singing along and worshiping, just me and my Father. Then the devotion started and I asked a leader of the group if I could join the group. He said it was fine and I got to listen to a great sermon. The man talked about flying on the wings of the eagles and he compared the life of an eagle to our relationship with the Lord and God just spoke to my heart.

Later on in the day as a friend and I decided to go exploring we came across a worship service inside a church. We walked in and she started walking around and I sat down and just observed. They were preparing for a worship service and testing the sound equipment then a woman came up to me and asked if she could put a pin on me, which said pentecost. I said sure since everyone had one and then my friend and I left to go for a walk. Well, I couldn't get that church and those people out of my mind so we went back. For over 4 hours, these people just sang and danced to worship songs praising the Lord. We did not stay the whole time but for the time that we did stay God really touched my heart. I was worshiping and then out of nowhere I started just crying. I was crying because of how overwhelmed I feel by God's love for me and for His children and I was crying because God reminded me in that moment of why I am a missionary. I looked around the room at all of those people worshiping and I just cried because that is what my heart longs for the rest of the world. My heart longs for the world to be able to stand and worship the Lord as one, joined together in Christ. That is why I am a missionary because there are people out there who don't the Lord and His love, and nothing breaks my heart more that. Standing together with the people of Nicaragua worshiping in a language I am just starting to understand was a wonderful experience. God is so good. When I am at a lost for words those words always come to my mind, God is good.