April 30, 2011

Financial and Prayer Support

A friend of mine just asked me about support and I wanted to let everyone know that I am still in need of financial and prayer support. I am finding out that there are some expenses that were not factored into my original budget. For example, Costa Rican transportation and a few school fees here and there, so if you would consider partnering with me I would greatly appreciate it! Just let my mother Jessica know by e-mailing her at jessica@christiscentral.com  . She is handling all of my support while i am out of the states and if you would like a prayer card please contact her with your name and address.

Since I am classified as an independent missionary all checks are made out to me, Chelsea Davis . Thank you all so much for all of your prayers and support!

Trust in the Lord (Exodus 5,6,7:1-13)

In six different sections Moses questions God. "Why would Pharaoh listen to me, since I speak with flattering lips?". From what I can tell Moses did not have much trust in God. The Lord told Moses over and over again, "I am the Lord".

I believe this was the Lord's way of saying, "Trust in me Moses everything will be okay". The Lord was making Himself known to not only Moses but to all of Israel. God has compassion on His children and wanted to be close to them. He had remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and now He was fulfilling His promise.

All that Moses needed to do was trust in the Lord and follow His commands. I think after all of his questioning and doubting Moses finally got it! After his last protest against going to speak to Pharaoh, I think Moses realized that everything was going to be okay. Even though, at this time all of the Israelites were complaining because their labor had increased and despite being 80, Moses still did just as the Lord commanded him.

I trust is the Lord and even though I know things will get harder. I know that the Lord is Lord. He is the Great I Am. I may not know why I am here but God does. He has sent me here for a reason. "It is not our experiences which in the final analysis change us, it is always and only our response to those experiences" (Elisabeth Elliot). Moses responded to the Lord by following His commands and I choose to follow the Lord wherever He may lead.

April 29, 2011

Who am I? Exodus 3 and 4

I would say right now that I am identifying the most with Moses. Who am I to come to Costa Rica and learn Spanish? Why Lord have you sent me? Couldn't you send someone else? What if I learn Spanish and no one listens to me?

Moses had a ton of questions and concerns when God chose him to go back to Egypt to free His people. Even though, God's anger burned against him God still used Moses to do His work. God's anger probably burns against me for all of my fear, worry, and self-doubt, but I know God loves me. I know that despite all of my fears, worries, and doubt God still wants me to do His work. Even though, I am not the most qualified or the most intelligent God still has a purpose and a plan for my life. He has a purpose for sending me here.

I just pray that when I open my mouth speaking Spanish that He will send people to listen and that He will be glorified, because the Lord knows that the hardest part for me will be opening my mouth and speaking.  

April 28, 2011

One day down....

School went well today. We had orientation at 7:30am so I woke up a bit earlier than what I am use to, but everything went well. The school is fairly small so it should be easy to find my way around after at least a week. I ended up not being able to find the chapel today and then I took my test with me instead of returning it to the office, but those things are bound to happen occasionally I guess.

I met some very nice people today at the school. I met all of the staff and new students. There are approximately 28 new students starting this trimester, 10 of which are families and the rest are single woman like myself. Although I am the only independent missionary this trimester. After introducing one another we all went and took our placement testing and broke into groups to learn about living with a tico family. It was there that I realized how fortunate i am to have such wonderful family. I don't have to worry about most of the concerns that other students brought up because Mami is very understanding and good at explaining how everything is the house works. One cultural  difference here is that everyone in the house leaves their doors open, this shows the other family members that everything is okay and that anyone is welcome into any room. Also, everyone wears their shoes indoors all the time and hygiene is very important everyone showers in the morning everyday. The front gates also always stay locked. Security here is very important to the families.

In the handbook today I learned about different opportunities for ministry here in SAN Jose. A few of which deal with children so possibly next week I will look into helping in one of those ministries. This Sunday I am going to look for a church, the school also provides us with list of churches in the area. I also learned at school today that they are organizing a trip to Panama this coming June for students who need to leave the country for 72 hrs. (this is for the students, like me, who are not applying for a student visa). So this June I will heading to Panama with group of students. I am really looking
forward to bonding with some of the girls. I made one friend today from Taiwan. Her name is Nai-shu and she is super friendly. I just love her. We got along right away. She speaks some English  but is now trying to learn Spanish since her newlywed husband is a resident of Costs Rica. Kelly my big sister has also been a huge help in getting transitioned and showing me around San Jose and the school. Today we took a bus downtown to pequeno mundo, it is like the Costa Rican Sams Club. Everything is pretty expensive here so it is good to shop around for good prices. I am very grateful that I don't have to buy very much since I brought most of my things with me but there are a few things here and there that I have found to be helpful. Klenex being one of them since my allergies still have not cleared up since my arrival.

First day of school

Hello everyone, today I start orientation and begin my first day of school.

April 27, 2011

Welcome to my room...

On my last post my cousin mentioned that she would like to see pictures so here is a picture of my room.  Now that I have figured out how to upload pictures with my phone there will be more to come.

Last night i was able to catch up on some much needed sleep. Then this morning I woke up to a sound that can only be described as a dog walking on the roof. I don't believe there is a dog on the roof but that is the sound i heard. Here the roofs are made out of a tin material so all of the noise echoes, including the rain. I love it.

This morning I went with Papi to the super mercado, the supermarket. He drove me through the neighborhood and showed me the school and the surrounding area. We live in the area of Bolski. My spelling might be wrong on that one. We live in San Jose but each section has its own name. Well I am going to now possibly watch some TV or read since everyone is at work and Mami is cleaning.

April 26, 2011

I am here...

I made it to Costa Rica! My luggage made it too! The airports were not bad and I was able to connect to my flight in North Carolina fairly easy. Although I did have to run across the airport in order to be able to board my flight and make a bathroom stop. Everyone I met on the plane and in the airports were really nice and very helpful, so thank you to all of you who prayed for me. I couldn't have asked for a better trip.

Also, my arrival was very easy. The woman picking me up found me right away even among all of the other passengers and our trip to my host family house was very nice. Christina was able to tell me more about the country and the language school during our time in the taxi van. When i arrived at my host family's house. Mami and Papi immediately welcomed me with open arms. I have only been here for a few hours but already I feel right at home. We have been practicing my Spanish and to my surprise I am understanding alot of what they are saying. I just have to continue to practicing speaking Spanish and Papi was trying to help me tonight by having me repeat the days of the week and months after him. It has been a really good first day and tomorrow  they are going to show me around the neighborhood and walk me to the school so that I can become familiar with the area. But for now it is time for bed....buenos noches.

April 25, 2011

Adios Estados Unidos!

I will be heading out tomorrow at 3:30am for Costa Rica! I am so excited! For over a year, I have been preparing for this very moment and I know that God has been preparing me for this moment for longer than that. God has put everything in place for me to go and this past week I have just been so overwhelmed by His love and grace. One day, I had to stop for a moment on the side of the road because I could not stop crying. God has just been so wonderful to me over the years and I am just so grateful for everything that He has done. For His love and for showing His love to me through His Son, Jesus Christ. Oh how He love us!

I am also thankful for all of the wonderful people that God has brought into my life and for all of the support and love that everyone has shown me. Thank you all so much! As I go out into the world know that each day my heart and my prayers will be with all of you.

April 12, 2011

Sunny days and Goodbyes

In less than two weeks I will be in Costa Rica. In less than two weeks, I will be meeting my new host family, learning a new language, and finding a new normal. I can't wait to be in Costa Rica worshiping God with other believers and lending a helping hand where ever needed, but you know what I am most looking forward to? I am most looking forward to the day when all creation is praising God's name. Oh what a wonderful day that will be! When everyone is saying, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty , who was, and is, and is to come."

April 05, 2011

Costa Rica.... 3 weeks and counting!!!

This past week I have been e-mailing the school and my Big Sister and it looks like all my t's and i's are crossed and dotted. Everything is set to go! Although, I still need to raise $1,700 but I know the Lord will provide. Next week I will begin packing and sorting through my clothes. I have everything that I need as far as bath supplies go thanks to Wal-Mart and Target, and a BIG thanks to my supporters!

God always keeps his promises that is for sure. As I look back on this year of planning, God has really made all of my trials and all of my victories come into place. I can see His hand prints all over. This trip means so much to me, I feel like my life is forever about to change and God has been giving me such a peace of mind. I am leaving everything behind and looking forward to what is ahead. I know that this trip is the beginning of something but I don't know what. God is going to use me in whatever way He wants because I am holding nothing back. My life could not be in better hands than in the hands of God.

"You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you." Psalm 86:5