March 20, 2012

What words can express?

I have been preparing myself for this moment. For the moment when I have to say goodbye to the people and places I love. Well folks, that time is coming and it is coming fast and I still don't feel prepared to say goodbye. Little things throughout the past couple of weeks have been starting to make me cry because I realize that my time here is limited and my departure date is closing in.

I knew that when I arrived here I wouldn't be staying forever because my schooling only last a year but I can tell you that I never planned on losing my heart here or giving it away. I never planned on God transforming my heart and my mind, but all of this has taken place.

Somewhere between going to school, practicing Spanish, doing homework, going to church, making new friends, building relationships, learning about the culture, having coffee dates, working with children in ministry, studying the Bible, and walking until my legs felt like they were going to fall off...I have lost my heart. Pieces of my heart will forever be with the children in Valle del Sol, pieces of my heart will forever be at ILE and with the teachers I love, pieces of my heart will forever be on the beach where I spent time talking with God and the ones I love, pieces of my heart will forever be spread out across the world with my dear friends as they too continue to go where God is leading them, and pieces of my heart will forever be in the white two story house near Parque del Bosque with the Rojas Family.

I am not ready to write a reflection of what all of these people and places mean to me and how very grateful I am for being here because honestly it is just too hard to do right now and I am not even sure where to begin. I have started this blog about 3 times and each time I am at a lost for words. I never feel like anything I can say or do will express to all of you what my time here has meant to me. So please hear me when I say....

"God is good. He has made my time here more than I could have ever have asked for and He has blessed me far beyond what I deserve. He has and continues to break my heart for those who are in Latin America and He makes my heart long to serve Him and share His amazing story of love and grace with others. It has been an incredible privilege to live, minister, and study in Costa Rica. God has done amazing works not only in my life but also in the lives of others.

Thank you all for supporting me, loving me, and encouraging me. No words or actions can expression how truly grateful I am. Thank you for coming along side me in this journey and thank you for doing life together with me. I am deeply sadden to be leaving Costa Rica, but I am also extremely hopeful to see what plans God has next. For those of you in Costa Rica, I will miss you very very much and for those of you in the states, I will see you soon. God bless."

With love,

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