March 12, 2012

Weekend Retreat

This past weekend (thanks to my mother) I was able to go on a retreat to the beach. On Saturday, I headed off to Playa Jaco for one night . This retreat came at the perfect time and was a much needed break. I needed a weekend alone with just me and my God, and even after my retreat I can still say that was exactly what I needed. Sometimes there comes a time when you just need a break. Where the things in life start hitting you all at once (school, relationships, family, etc.) and this is where things can get complicated. You can make one decision to stay and let the things around you get the best of you or you can choose to try and combat the things around you on your own. However both of those options don´t sound very pleasant to me and they both can be very emotionally, spiritually, and physically draining, so there is yet another option you can choose to give everything over to the Lord and trust in Him. This is the option I choose.

I am a work in progress and as the things in life start hitting up against me like the waves in the ocean, I am continually looking to the Creator and clinging to His Word. For I know that no temptation has seized me except what is common to man. As I sat on the beach reading and praying, God continued to open my eyes to the ways of my heart and He continued to show me His divine sovereignty in my life. Oh how wide and deep is His is love for us, it is deeper than deepest sea and wider than the widest ocean. God is faithful. What seemed to be a bad week when given the right perspective was actually a blessed week with a blessed ending, while on this weekend retreat God was able to change my perspective and open my eyes to some of the things that often go unseen in the daily routine of life. God continues to amaze me and the more I learn about Him and the more I seek Him, the more my heart is content and at rest in Him. God is so good.


It is hard to believe that there are only 7 weeks left of language school. This trimester has and continues to fly by! On April 27th, I will be on a flight back home, this just seems so crazy! With this in mind, I do need to make one of my prayer requests known, so far for this trimester I have paid 1/3 of my tuition ($500) and 3/4 of my rent for my time here ( $1,125). I am still in need of $1,425 to finish paying off my ILE tuition and my rent for April. If you would like to help answer my prayer and give financially please click the PayPal Donate link on the left hand side of this page or mail a check, made out to Chelsea Davis, to the following address:

Chelsea Davis
1309 South Park St.
Streator, IL 61364

Last but certainly not least thank you all for your continued prayers and support! You have all been such an encouragement to me, thank you for not only your partnership but also for your friendship and love.

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