August 30, 2011

Classes have begun!

Today was my first day back at school and I loved it! My new teachers are very nice and I know that I am going to really enjoy being in class with them, along with my wonderful classmates. Sarah, Mark, and I are all in the same class again this tri, which really makes me happy because I love laughing with them. We also have two additional students in each of our classes which is going to be good and add more diversity to the group.

I think I may be more excited about this tri-mester than I was my first tri-mester. I didn't know that could be possible because I was super excited about my first tri, but there is just something different about this tri-mester. I was nervous during my break from school because I thought I would be overwhelmed this tri, but now I am starting to get organized and delegating some activities and saying no to the things that I feel will make me feel overwhelmed.

Looking back on the past few weeks, I can see that God has been answering my unspoken prayers. A lot of things have come together that I didn't think would. Help has come even when I didn't ask for it out loud. I love how God places people and things in our lives at just the right moments. Thank you Lord. In the park, God didn't show me what I wanted to see or give me the answers I wanted to hear, but He was there with me just like He always is. He spoke the words that I needed to hear, "just be". I didn't understand those words at first, but now I am starting to. Those words to me are like those described in Proverbs 16:24, "...a honeycomb. Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones". Only my Lord could speak to me on such an intimate level with only two words, oh how I love Him. I am not going to describe what those words mean to me or how God is using them in my life for now, because those words are so wonderfully intimate that at this time I can't even articulate their meaning in such a way that could show you how much those words have touched my heart. The only thing I can do right now is praise God.

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