November 10, 2010

Crazy Love

So I picked up this book again, Crazy Love, after going to a Bible Study last night. Then before I went to bed I started to read Chapter 8 where Francis Chan attempts to describe the profile of the obsessed. Chan is describing what someone's life looks like when they are obsessed with Jesus.

Now that I know what an obsessed person looks like, what makes someone obsessed with Jesus? What words can make someone obsessed? What looks can make someone obsessed? What worship music can make someone obsessed? What sermon can make someone obsessed?

I would dare to say none of the above. God is the only one that can make someone obsessed. We can't make someone obsessed with Jesus, that person has to discover Jesus for themselves but in this crazy world filled with sin it is possible as followers of Christ to be a light of hope.

However in order to be a light we must look different  than the things around us. We can't just blend in with the world there has to be an evident change in our lives, we need to be obsessed with Jesus. We need to love the Lord and love others. We need to love the "unloveable".  We need to forgive those who hurt us deeply. We need to expose our sins and surrender everything over to God.  We need to be faithful to our first love.

So my question is what are you obsessed with? Do you put God's Kingdom above all else or have you created a world in which everything revolves around you (your safety, your status, your money, your family, your security, your looks)?

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