October 18, 2010

Dreaming God's Dream

My friend, Danielle, recently wrote a blog about her dreams and talked about "dreaming God's dream". I have never really thought about my dreams in that way. Have my dreams been God's dream? I have always said, "God where ever you lead me, I will go". Maybe that is why my dreams have come true because they were never really my dreams to begin with....they were God's dreams for my life.

Of course when you are little you dream about growing up and becoming famous, but ever since I came to know the Lord my dreams have been based around the thought......how can I help others? How can I share the love and hope that God has given me with others? How can I glorify God?

When I was preparing for my first mission trip to Mexico I would dream about what God would do there and I prayed that God would be able to use me in some way, even though I felt completely inadequate. I never imagined that God would undo everything that I ever knew and put in my heart the desire to go into missions.

God is constantly surprising me and opening doors that I would have never of thought of opening. I am going to start praying that I start dreaming more of God's dreams and less of my own.

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9

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