October 25, 2010

Falling Forward

Anyone that knows me really well knows that I cannot walk in straight line. They also know that I tend to fall a lot and I usually end up falling forward (I am accident prone as my mother would say). I never plan on falling forward it just seems to happen. Although, there have been a few incidents when I did have some help falling forward.

Sometimes in life we need help moving forward so instead of stepping forward we end up falling forward. That is how I feel right now, I am falling forward. I asked God for a while now to make it clear to me whether or not I should stay in Wisconsin for an additional 3 months (from January until March), and I received my answer today. I will be leaving Wisconsin come December. I am very thankful for having the opportunity to do an internship here and for my wonderful host family and for the great friends that I have made here. I am not always sure why God keeps me in one place for the amount of time that He does or why He has me leave, but I trust that He is in control. 

October 18, 2010

Dreaming God's Dream

My friend, Danielle, recently wrote a blog about her dreams and talked about "dreaming God's dream". I have never really thought about my dreams in that way. Have my dreams been God's dream? I have always said, "God where ever you lead me, I will go". Maybe that is why my dreams have come true because they were never really my dreams to begin with....they were God's dreams for my life.

Of course when you are little you dream about growing up and becoming famous, but ever since I came to know the Lord my dreams have been based around the thought......how can I help others? How can I share the love and hope that God has given me with others? How can I glorify God?

When I was preparing for my first mission trip to Mexico I would dream about what God would do there and I prayed that God would be able to use me in some way, even though I felt completely inadequate. I never imagined that God would undo everything that I ever knew and put in my heart the desire to go into missions.

God is constantly surprising me and opening doors that I would have never of thought of opening. I am going to start praying that I start dreaming more of God's dreams and less of my own.

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9

October 10, 2010

All of my Dreams have come true

I realized the other day as I was driving home from Lincoln, IL, after visiting some of my friends, that all of my dreams thus far have come true. Everything that I have wanted to do I have been able to do, but if I didn't have God, Christian friends, and some great mentors none of my dreams would have become a reality.

When I was considering going on my first overseas mission trip with CIY I was scared and uncertain. At first, I wasn't even going to go because I was too nervous. However, I met a nice old man at church that just wouldn't let it go! Every Sunday, Jim would ask me have you sent in your application for the mission trip and every week I would make up an excuse as to why I haven't finished it. Then finally one week I was like, "Okay God this man won't stop bugging me about this application so I am going to send it in, but if this is really what you want me to do than you are going to have to make it happen". Needless to say it wasn't a year later and I was on my way to Italy for the summer to work with some Team Expansion missionaries.

God has been so good to me. Even though I mess up a lot and get confused God is always with me guiding my way. I knew when I was younger that I wanted to help people for a living but I never thought I would be in ministry until I met God at my church's youth group. God met me there one Wednesday night and showed me that there was so much more to life than what is seen with the naked eye.

Since then my life has been one amazing roller-coaster ride. I love my life and the journey that God has me on.

Correction: The old man that I mentioned above is not really that old. :-D Jim and his wife Shelley are amazing people, whom I love dearly.