August 10, 2010


Right now at work, I have been slowly working on editing two books that are part of a series for kids on becoming a Christian. The last book in the series I have to say is my favorite. In this book, the children are learning how to share their faith with others. Sadly enough, sharing our faith is something that often gets left on the back burner by many church goers.

Sharing our faith is a crucial part in growing in our faith, and by sharing our faith we are allowing others to begin or to continue growing in theirs. The picture that I have attached to this post is from our KidVenture Acts of Kindness (A.O.K) mission trip. For one week, some of the children in our KidVenture children's ministry decided to dedicate their time to helping and serving others in their community. By serving and helping others, the children were able to share their faith with others. Sharing your faith does not always mean using your words, haven't you ever heard that actions speak louder than words? Well, the same is true when it comes to your faith.

Don't just talk about your faith, go out and act on your faith. Many people crave authenticity, they crave something real. In a world, where lies are common and promises are broken, actions matter. It is through your actions that people can see who you really are and what your priorities in life are. Being authentic means that you are honest and trustworthy. Be authentic, be honest, be trustworthy in your faith and share it with others. Be a light in a broken world.

I hardly ever read the news anymore because I just find it so depressing and heartbreaking, but today I decided to catch-up and see what is going on in the world. My heart was broken when I read about all the violence, corruption, greed, and hatred that is in the world and that is even in my own "backyard".  Despite all of the negativity, I try to continue to be an optimist in believing that the world can really change.  These children in this picture above are apart of that change. I am a part of that change and you can be a part of that change as well. We need to step up and step out in faith. 

"Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary use words" - St. Francis of Assisi

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