August 04, 2010


One thing that I find interesting is that I can't believe how hard it is for some people to be nice or respectful to someone else. This past week I was the host in one of our elementary classrooms at church and we talked about peace.  To help children understand peace, we say that peace is proving that you care more about others than winning an argument.  How true is that? If we fully understood that as adults and tried to live in peace with one another our world would be very different. 

When I see the children in the classrooms most of the time I think, "Man, if only the could just get it (the lesson) and know about God's love (Jesus) their lives would changed forever! They wouldn't have to make all the stupid mistakes that everyone else has made growing-up. They could live a great life starting now."  These children can learn to live at peace with one another starting now, this is a task that the majority of adults are not able to do. It amazes me sometimes how often we, as humans, are unkind and are disrespectful to one another.

What if we all tried to live in peace with one another by not let any arguments or misunderstandings end on a bad note? What would the world be like if we worked through our issues instead of around them? What if we would never let the sun go down on our anger?

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