August 15, 2010

Everything is going to be all right

I am the kind of person that tends to worry and forget things a lot that is why I always have to be reminded that everything is going to be all right. God is always with us. This is something that is echoed in my favorite song "Every Season" by Nicole Nordeman and this is also what I taught this morning in Sunday School to 3 year olds. God is always with us and He was with Moses when he went to talk to the Pharoah about letting his people go.

Every now and then we all have to be reminded of basic truths, even if it is from the mouths of 3 year olds. No matter how old you are in life, you are never too old to learn.  We are all life-long learners.

Costa Rica Update

Right now, I am trying to find a part-time job in order to raise the money to go to language school (so if you would please pray that I would find a job, I would greatly appreciate it!).  In order to go to Costa Rica, I need to have at least $6,000 (minimum), this cost will cover all of my schooling for 6 months and my housing plus food.

I have not finished filling out my application because I am waiting to secure my flight schedule so that I can put that information on my application within the next 2 months. The application is not due to march but I would like to turn it in as soon as possible. Please continue to pray for God's guidance as I continue to prepare for language school.

P.S. To learn more about the language school I will be attending click on my name at the bottom right hand corner.

August 12, 2010

Every Season - Nichole Nordeman

This is by far one of my favorite songs! Just listen to the words and let them sink in, and remember that God is with us always no matter what season we are in.

Every Season

Every evening sky, an invitation

To trace the patterned stars
And early in July, a celebration
For freedom that is ours
And I notice You
In children’s games
In those who watch them from the shade
Every drop of sun is full of fun and wonder
You are summer

And even when the trees have just surrendered
To the harvest time
Forfeiting their leaves in late September
And sending us inside
Still I notice You when change begins
And I am braced for colder winds
I will offer thanks for what has been and was to come
You are autumn

And everything in time and under heaven
Finally falls asleep
Wrapped in blankets white, all creation
Shivers underneath
And still I notice you
When branches crack
And in my breath on frosted glass
Even now in death, You open doors for life to enter
You are winter

And everything that’s new has bravely surfaced
Teaching us to breathe
What was frozen through is newly purposed
Turning all things green
So it is with You
And how You make me new
With every season’s change
And so it will be
As You are re-creating me
Summer, autumn, winter, spring

August 10, 2010


Right now at work, I have been slowly working on editing two books that are part of a series for kids on becoming a Christian. The last book in the series I have to say is my favorite. In this book, the children are learning how to share their faith with others. Sadly enough, sharing our faith is something that often gets left on the back burner by many church goers.

Sharing our faith is a crucial part in growing in our faith, and by sharing our faith we are allowing others to begin or to continue growing in theirs. The picture that I have attached to this post is from our KidVenture Acts of Kindness (A.O.K) mission trip. For one week, some of the children in our KidVenture children's ministry decided to dedicate their time to helping and serving others in their community. By serving and helping others, the children were able to share their faith with others. Sharing your faith does not always mean using your words, haven't you ever heard that actions speak louder than words? Well, the same is true when it comes to your faith.

Don't just talk about your faith, go out and act on your faith. Many people crave authenticity, they crave something real. In a world, where lies are common and promises are broken, actions matter. It is through your actions that people can see who you really are and what your priorities in life are. Being authentic means that you are honest and trustworthy. Be authentic, be honest, be trustworthy in your faith and share it with others. Be a light in a broken world.

I hardly ever read the news anymore because I just find it so depressing and heartbreaking, but today I decided to catch-up and see what is going on in the world. My heart was broken when I read about all the violence, corruption, greed, and hatred that is in the world and that is even in my own "backyard".  Despite all of the negativity, I try to continue to be an optimist in believing that the world can really change.  These children in this picture above are apart of that change. I am a part of that change and you can be a part of that change as well. We need to step up and step out in faith. 

"Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary use words" - St. Francis of Assisi

August 04, 2010


One thing that I find interesting is that I can't believe how hard it is for some people to be nice or respectful to someone else. This past week I was the host in one of our elementary classrooms at church and we talked about peace.  To help children understand peace, we say that peace is proving that you care more about others than winning an argument.  How true is that? If we fully understood that as adults and tried to live in peace with one another our world would be very different. 

When I see the children in the classrooms most of the time I think, "Man, if only the could just get it (the lesson) and know about God's love (Jesus) their lives would changed forever! They wouldn't have to make all the stupid mistakes that everyone else has made growing-up. They could live a great life starting now."  These children can learn to live at peace with one another starting now, this is a task that the majority of adults are not able to do. It amazes me sometimes how often we, as humans, are unkind and are disrespectful to one another.

What if we all tried to live in peace with one another by not let any arguments or misunderstandings end on a bad note? What would the world be like if we worked through our issues instead of around them? What if we would never let the sun go down on our anger?

August 03, 2010

I am Blessed...

My life has not always been easy but it has also never been very hard, sometimes I just make it hard. Last night, I spent some time reflecting on the Lord and His faithfulness and I have found that the Lord has continuely blessed my efforts to follow Him (I often need to be reminded of this). It is in the little things in life that I realize that I am blessed. I can see my blessings in my family, friends, and all around me. I see His blessings in the sunrise and the sunset. A friend of mine once said that it is like each day the Lord is continuing to paint a beautiful painting just for us.

Each year has been a journey for me and each year I am learning new things. Even in the hardships and trials I can see the Lord. There have been times that I have wanted to give up and just throw in the towel but each time the Lord is there with me saying, "You can do this. I am not leaving you. Just do your best." It is when I strive to do my best that I can see the Lord blessing my efforts.

Last night, I was still looking over things for Costa Rica and I thought for a moment. "What in the world am I doing? I can't do this." Then it was like the Lord said, "You're right you can't, but we can. You just might have to work a bit harder." I know that with some extra work I will go to Costa Rica! Once I set my mind on something there is nothing that can stop me from doing what I feel I should do or what I feel I need to do. I know the Lord is helping me because even though I am stressed about making plans for Costa Rica I still feel completely at peace about everything. Everything is going to be okay the Lord is with me and He is my strength.

August 02, 2010

Costa Rica

I woke up this morning happy and well rested, thank you Lord! I have trouble sleeping most nights, mostly because of anxiety, but last night I was able to get some rest and I know it was because of the Lord. I felt such a peace as I was falling asleep by reciting bible verses and worship songs, oh it was wonderful!

As I stated in my last blog post, I am now filling out the application to go to language school in Costa Rica in May. The process that has allowed me to get to this point has been long and hard, but I am so thankful to now be on my way with confidence that this what I am suppose to be doing. I first heard about language school when I was on my internship in Spain last summer. While on my internship in Spain, I struggled so much with learning Spanish that I was brought to tears. One of my goals in life has been to learn another langauge specifically Spanish because of my Mexican heritage and because of my heart for the Hispanic people. As I have grown older, my heart for Hispanics has not changed and I desire with all my heart to work in a ministry specifically focused on this people group.

Since learning about language school in Spain, I have asked very many questions to any missionary who is willing to help me. I have talked to many people who have gone to language school and every single person has had nothing but great things to say about The Spanish Language Institute in Costa Rica. I have been told that through this school I will learn how to speak and understand Spanish. In order for me to be effective in my future ministry with the Hispanic people, I must first learn the language.

I have had people ask me, "Why don't you just try Rosetta Stone or take a class in the states?" Well, I have tried to learn Spanish in the states and nothing has been able to help me. When I was in elementary school I took Spanish classes for a couple summers and then when I was in high school I took Spanish class for 3 years and even joined Spanish Club. However, despite some of my best efforts I have not been able to learn Spanish...yes my Spanish has improved slowly but not very well. I still would consider myself to be a beginner when it comes to the Spanish language. The things that have helped me learn Spanish the most has been my trips to Mexico and to Spain. I have learned more Spanish in those couple weeks than I did in any of my classes and that was because I lived among the people and I was surrounded by Spanish speakers. The only way for me to learn to speak Spanish is to be completely emersed in the language and I know that the school in Costa Rica is going to be one of the best descisions I have ever made. At the Spanish Language Institute, I will be able to not only learn Spanish and about Costa Rica, I will also be able to interact with different missionaries. I know language school is not for everyone but I definately feel that  in my heart without a doubt that this is right for me.

Currently, I am getting ready to mail-out my application very soon! I am also now preparing myself to leave by getting all of my documentation together and by creating a long to-do list, which I know as May comes closer will only increase. Thank you for all of your prayers and support throughout the years! I am so excited about this next transition in my life! All of you have helped bring me to where I am today, thank you so much! God is good!