January 17, 2010

Car Trouble...

   Tonight, I got a flat tire on my car and I am now staying the night in Bloomington.  This whole situation has been a reminder to me that even with the little things you have trust God.  After I stopped at six gas stations that charged .75 cents for air, I was not very happy because I did not have .75 cents to fill up my tire with air. Soon after while I was still drivning on my tire that was going flat, I prayed God, " I am sorry for my attitude, please help me find some nice guy who can help me fix my tire".  I prayed this all the way to the next gas station, and sure enough at the next gas station I was sitting in my car waiting for the guy in the SUV next to me to finish putting air in his tire at the FREE air pump! Having free air for my tire was a blessing!
   Then there was a knock at my side window, I rolled down the window and saw what I thought was a homeless man warning me that my tire was flat. I got out of my car and started asking him about my tire and then he asked the other man (with the SUV) to come and check out my tire.  The man with the SUV stayed helped me for an hour trying to fix my tire and replace it with a donout.  Those two men at the gas station were a huge blessing!    
   Somtimes, I think that we can forget to give even the little things in life over to God and trust that He will provide. God does come through even if it is not in the way that we expect.  God can use the most unlikely people to accomplish His task. Take for example the "homeless" man that helped me tonight.  If it wasn't for him I probably would not have talked to the guy in the SUV. 
"The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him," (Nahum 1:7). 

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