February 06, 2012


Yesterday, the Bible Study group at ILE finished up their study on the book of James. As we came to a close on this book, I was reminded of the importance of community and the Body of Christ. It is important for the Body of Christ to be connected and united as one. Connected in love, speech, and mind. This kind of unity does not come about by itself. This deep connection and unity requires a lot of love, faith, patience, grace, humlity, and vulnerability. It requires that we look not only to our own interest but also to the interest of others. This kind of community and connection should be found in and among believers around the world.

You know the saying, "it takes a village to raise a child". I believe the same is true for our spiritual walk. It takes a community, a village, to help someone mature and grow in their relationship with the Lord. We can encourage or help someone by living in community with one another and being obedient to God's will in our lives. We need to be open and honest with one another and always holding firm to God's Truth. Praying for one another and carrying one another's burdens.

I constantly thank the Lord for my friends and family, who have poured themselves into my life and have taken the time to connect with me. They have not only encouraged me over the years but they have also reminded me of God's Word and Truth. God has used each of them in different stages of my life to point me back to His Word, and for that I am thankful not only for them but also for God's faithfulness and grace. Through their love and obedience to God I have seen a glimpse of God's love and have drawn closer to Him.

As I sat in the Bible study group on Sunday and listened to everyone talk about the sinner and what would they would do to help that person. I felt incredibly humbled because I know that I am the sinner. It was not too long ago that I needed some encouragement in my life and was struggling and God used those around me to teach me the importance of community and being honest and open with one another about our struggles, fears, and victories in our lives.

It is a lie to think that we are alone in our struggles. If you are not willing to share your life with others then how can you expect to find help or feel whole? Yes, there are people who can be discouraging and can leave you feeling worse than you did before. Believe me I know I have met a few of those people, but if you know of someone who is grounded in God's Word and loves the Lord with all their heart (preferably someone who is older and who you respect) go to that person and be honest and you will see that we are never alone. We have all sinned and we have all fallen short.

If you are the person that is grounded in God's Word and knows someone who is struggling or has had someone come to you with a problem. Love that person and show them the same grace and kindness that God has shown you. At the same time be honest and willing to ask and answer the hard questions that may arise. Always keep God at the center of your conversations and pray together.

Live in community with one another as the Body of Christ always focusing on the Lord and being full of love and grace.

1 comment:

  1. I so enjoyed reading your thoughts on this. It has encouraged me and look forward to keeping up with you on here.
