October 13, 2011

Building Relationships...

This trimester my host mom, Sonia, (a.k.a. mamî) and I have been meeting weekly to discuss the culture in Costa Rica. I absolutely love talking with mamî. Every Wednesday night, our conversation topic is different and by the time we finish talking our conversation topic might have completely changed. I talk with mamî every week because I want to build a relationship with her, the homework is secondary in my eyes as long as I am still practicing and speaking Spanish.

This week, our conversation went a bit deeper. We started out talking about vacations and by the end of our conversation we were talking about God and she shared with me part of her testimony. As we sat there talking I started getting tears in my eyes, as I listened to her share her testimony and as she talked about her relationship with the Lord. This is one of those conversations that I will never forget.

Thank you Lord for my wonderful host family and specifically for mamî.

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