October 10, 2011

My Prayer...

Lord, there are many things in life that I do not understand, but I know in your perfect timing you reveal to me what I need to know. You give me grace and understanding in my time of need. In those times of uncertainty and anxiousness, please help me to find comfort and peace in You. For I know that nothing is hidden from you. I am not hidden from you. I often feel unworthy of your love and rightly so for I know I am a sinner. It is only by your grace that I stand and through your Son that I live.

Lord, please forgive me for not always appreciating the life that you have given me and for not appreciating the sacrifices you have made. I can't imagine what this must be like for you, to see your daughter so broken and knowing that you have given your only Son for her. Thank you for loving me and for constantly pursuing me even when my heart becomes like stone.

I know that you won't give up on me but still Lord I pray that no matter what please continue to transform this heart of stone. Please remember me. You know how stubborn I can be and you know my rebellious ways. Open my ears and my heart so that I may listen to advice and accept discipline. I long to grow in wisdom and understanding. Lord, I long to be closer to you.

Search me Lord and continue bringing to the surface anything that is not of you so that my heart may be completely yours. Mold me and transform me. Protect me Lord from the lies that often fill my mind. May I take captive every thought and bring them before you. Even now Lord as I try to push forward through this difficult time words that should be encouraging often get turned around in my mind and become disheartening. Help me to see the truth and the love in those words. God I want to mature in you, please continue to train me to distinguish good from evil.

Lord, I put my trust in you. You alone are good.

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