October 19, 2011

Children of God

These are two of my favorite verses when it comes to who we are in Christ, children of God. When I read these verses I am reminded of God's role as my Father. These verses really touch my heart, because for many years I have felt rejected by my earthly father and it has been important for me to be reminded of who my true Father is. When I look at these verses and dwell on the fact that I am not born of natural descent, human decision, or a husband's will, but born of God...I am in awe. God could have just said," he gave the right to become children of God," and then stopped, but the fact that He wanted to make it so clear that He loved me and wanted me even before I was born really gets to me. It is almost like God is saying to me, "You were mine from the beginning, I wanted you. Don't think that anyone else had anything to do with making you, because I made you. You are my child" (God doesn't just come out and say these things, but this is something that has been placed in my heart).

"We love because he FIRST loved us" (1 John 4:19).

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