August 20, 2011

Saying goodbye and trusting the Lord

  Visit this link to see the video that I would like to share today.
  (If you have trouble loading the video and are on facebook go to my page I posted it there)

I love this song and it felt fitting for today. This song sums up pretty much what I have been thinking about and what my dad and I have talked about this week. God has continually provided for me throughout my life and has guided me all the way. This life is not one that I would have chosen for myself, but I know that God gives the richest life. This life is so much better than anything I could have ever planned or could have ever dreamed of, I love it. I am satisfied in the Lord. Every need that I have ever had God has always provided. God gives me what I need when I need it. He is so faithful and good.

You know there are somethings when growing up that take some getting use to. For example, friends moving away, friend's getting married, and then of course moving out of the house and being apart from family. Those things can be hard. Although, I love my family and friends dearly it is comforting to be reminded of God's love and power in my life. As I stood by the ocean, I thought about how in the reality of life my life is just like a drop in the ocean. It is a small part of something that is so much bigger than me. God's strength, power, love, grace, and beauty is over everything.

"I am trusting you, Lord Jesus. I am trusting you forever and for all."

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