July 16, 2011

Valle del Sol

I got to go work with the kids today in Valle del Sol. It was wonderful. I love seeing those smiling faces and even the unhappy ones.

It was raining really hard this afternoon and last week we did not get together, because a nearby church organized a day camp so we wanted the children to go with them. This week we started back up again but not with very many children, most people won't go out when it is raining hard. Although, there wasn't as many kids there today we still had fun. I liked having a smaller number today because it gave me the chance to practice remembering some of their names.

To begin our day, I led the worship songs with the children, which has become one of my unexpected roles in the ministry. I am still uncomfortable with it but it helps when I know what the words are and what they mean.

Afterwards, the younger children and I went into another room and had a Bible lesson, played games, and colored. One of the little boys, Kennedy, showed up with some cuts on his lips and the teacher informed that he gets abused at home. It hurts me to think that someone could hurt a child. I have been around abused children and people all my life, but the pain and aching in my heart and stomach is still there whenever I find out. I can't even imagine how God must feel when He watches His children suffer. I always think of God saying, "whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me".

Please pray for Kenedy and his younger brother today. Also pray for all the children in Valle del Sol.

I truly believe that if Jesus where to walk the streets of San José you would find Him in Valle del Sol. There are so many people there that need His love and truth.

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