July 07, 2011


This past week has been good. I am learning a lot about God, myself, life, ministry, and serving others. I am sorry I could not write yesterday. I spent my afternoon watching two little boys so that my missionary friends, Liz and Noah, could go out and celebrate Noah´s birthday. It was such a joy to be able to watch their two little boys and we had a ton of fun, which is why I was exhausted by the time I got home at 6:30pm.

I love being able to spend time with the families and children here at ILE, because it makes me feel like I am back at home with my family. My idea of family is constantly changing since I have been here. My idea of family has never been based solely on blood relation. Sometimes those closest to me are actually not blood related. I have a huge family here in Costa Rica and I love it. God has made me more vulnerable here and in return I am getting to know those around me on a deeper level, much faster than I normally would. You can´t hide your feelings for long when you are put into stressful situations with others or even when you are left with no one to talk to except the person sitting next to you, which by the way is the same person you have to see everyday. It is such a blessing to have these relationships and to have this family. I know many people would classify this as a family of God, but to me this is just family. This feels like what it is suppose to be like and what it will be like in Heaven. People from different nations, languages, and with different personalities all joined together as family, united in Christ.

Prayer Request:
  Speaking of being vulnerable I want to share with you all that I have been having some hardships since my arrival in Costa Rica so I could use your prayers. My attitude and strength has been affected greatly these past few weeks. I am not sure if it is my anxiety or what is causing this change but I would really like it to go away. It is almost like having a fog in front of you constantly and I am trying to break through that fog. I share this personal prayer request because I believe in the power of prayer and in God. God has been so good to me and I want to continue glorifying Him through my life.


  1. Thanks for your updates Chelsea. They are always good to read. I will be praying for you too. Let me just pray now.... Dear Jesus thank you for this opportunity Chelsea has to do your work. Lift the fog that Chelsea feels is around her and make clear the path before her. Direct her steps and continue to give her strength for the work you want her to do. Let her feel your presence each day and keep her safe. In the powerful name of Jesus I pray. Amen. I will keep pray you in my prayers and thanks again for sharing your heart. Love you!
