July 10, 2011

Our Freedom and Skills

Exodus 35-40

As I was continuing my study on Moses, I came to the building of the tabernacle. I was tempted at first to skip over this section, but then I thought, "no I can't, everything in Scripture is there for a reason. God did not put anything in there without a purpose". So my word after reading the verses on the building of the tabernacle, "wow"! I am so happy I didn't skip over this section. All of the detail and craftsmanship that went into the construction of the tabernacle is amazing. God knew exactly how He wanted it to be and the Israelites made it exactly "as the Lord had commanded".

God brought together the people He needed to construct the tabernacle and the people because they were willing came and helped. I think that is so key, "who was willing to come and do the work". Those are the ones God used to build the tabernacle. God gives every person different skills, but He doesn't force you to use them to glorify Him, even though that is what He wants our desire to be. Out of His love, He allows us to decide how to use our skills. So what are you doing with the skills the Lord has given you? Are you willing to come and do the work for the Lord? Are you glorifying God through the use of your skills? I think this is important to think about.

Then look what happens when those who were willing came, Moses had to ask them to stop making/bringing things for the tabernacle. "Because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work" (Exodus 36:6-7). What would that be like for church leaders or missionaries to tell people, "please stop giving we already have more than enough to do all the work the Lord has commanded of us". That would be crazy awesome! If we all came together out of our own free will and gave so much to the work of the Lord that we had to stop, because what we had was more than enough to finish the work that the Lord had commanded us to do. What a day that would be!

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