July 22, 2011

The Annexation of Guanacaste

This weekend in Costa Rica, we are celebrating the annexation of Guanacaste! The day that the people of Guanacaste decided that they wanted to be apart of Costa Rica instead of Nicaragua, July 25th. So in honor of this day, we had a celebration at school and we have a three day weekend. At our celebration, we ate tomales, drank horchata, and danced. For the past two months, some students and teachers have been practicing some traditional Costa Rican dances and they had a performance at the school today and yesterday. It was quite a show and a lot of fun. I love watching people dance, especially my teacher Graciela because she has a passion for dancing. (I have uploaded some of these pictures on Facebook along with some from Canada Day and from the La Paz waterfall garden.)

This week has been a great week and it continues on getting better. This weekend I get to relax a bit and study. I need to go back and review some nouns and verbs. I also get to work with the kids on Saturday, babysit on Sunday, and hang out with some friends throughout the weekend.

This week, I have had two exams: one in language class and the other in grammar, both of which went well. At least I hope so, I will find out next week what my scores are. I also have an update on my health. I have been feeling uneasy for quite some time now so I finally decided to go to the doctor yesterday. Turns out that I have an intestinal parasite, but I have some medication now so everything will be good in 4 to 5 days. Also, the prayers of all my friends and family have been helping tremendously I have not had very much pain and I have been more at peace, so thank you all so much.

I have been really enjoying my past couple of weeks here and God has been so good to me. I have little things here and there that try to distract me or get in the way of way I am here, but I love that every morning I can wake up and thank God that I am where He wants me to be. Since my arrival in Costa Rica, I have been able to experience God in ways that I never have before and it has been wonderful. I have had to be dependent on God and it feels so good to lean on Him. His love for me and others, continues to amaze me.

Thank you all so much for your continued support and prayers! It has been such a blessing and a privilege to be at language school. I will be sending out a newsletter update soon in the mail so be on the lookout. If you would like to receive my newsletter and are currently not on my mailing list, please send me your address at cd_0687@yahoo.com 

Also, I would like to share with you something that has been on my heart. God willing I would love to stay here longer, but only if it is in His will. This is something that I have been praying about for quite a while now, almost since my arrival. There is something about being here at language school that seems so right. I know that God has planned for me to be here at this specific point in time so I know that He will provide the funds for me to stay til December and possibly longer, as long as it His will. I don´t want to make this decision lightly and frankly this decision is not mine to make, because my life is not my own. This why I am asking if you would prayfully consider supporting me financially, in a one-time donation or even a monthly donation from now until _______. I am currently still in need of $1,600 in order to stay in language school til December 2011, but my prayer goal is $4,900 because I would love to stay in language school till the end of April 2012. (For those of you reading who are unsure of how my financial support works, all support is not tax-deductible because I am an independent missionary, this means that I am not associated with any organization. Financial giving should be done only through prayful consideration.) Out of faith and love I came to Costa Rica and God provided, I know that if this is His desire for my life He will provide again. If God is calling you to support me financially, please mail a check to:

Chelsea Davis
1309 South Park
Streator, IL 61364

All checks should be made out to: Chelsea Davis

(Also, please indicate if this is a one-time donation or if you would like to give a monthly donation of a certain amount (Also please indicate the months. For example from August 2011 til December 2011). For those of you receiving my newsletter I will have a slip with my newsletter that indicates whether you would like to donate one-time or monthly.) 

I would also appreciate any and all prayers, regarding my continuation with language school and my financial needs.  Thank you.

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