September 25, 2010

A Word from the Wise

 From the greatest of all gifts, salvation in Christ, to the material blessings of any ordinary day (hot water, a pair of legs that work, a cup of coffee, a job to do and strength to do it), every good gift comes down from the Father of Lights.  Every one of them is to be received gladly and, like gifts people give us, with thanks.  Sometimes we want things we were not meant to have.  Because He loves us, the Father says no.  Faith trusts that no.  Faith is willing not to have what God is not willing to give.  Furthermore, faith does not insist upon an explanation.  It is enough to know His promise to give what is good- He knows so much more about that than we do.

Elizabeth Elliot

September 22, 2010

Breaking out of Our Cages by Cheri Saccone (9/21/2010, Relevant Magazine)

Life has a way of moving us into what is famously known as a rut. We get stuck in a monotonous hamster wheel that is always moving, yet never going forward.
Most of us would say we want the kind of life that is filled with passion, novelty, faith, vibrancy, anticipation and depth. Does that describe your life? I wish it described mine. The truth is that these characteristics describe an undomesticated existence, one that requires constant risk and an ability to survive in the wild.
The wild is where God is walking.
The front yard is where most of us are staying.
One of the annoying things about living in the wild is that we have no idea what is going to happen next. The word “annoying” doesn’t really describe the feeling … it’s more like exhausting. Sure it’s exciting at first. But after a while it gets really hard trying to plan a life where plans are not part of the plan. The problem is that humanity has a deep need to create some sense of stability in this chaotic universe we have been thrown in to, yet at the same time we have an even deeper need to surrender control to the God who threw us here.
We are at war within ourselves between control and surrender, captivity and the wild.
Our souls long to run free while our skin wants to retain order.
Blending the two desires seems counterproductive. But this is what we end up doing most of the time. And sooner or later one of these desires will refuse to blend into the other and will take its rightful place as king in our hearts. Security and surrender war inside of us and more often security wins.
It looks different for different people. For some security is the status of wealth or career success. For others it is the comfort that comes from a predictable relationship, even if it is a toxic one. For some of us it is the affirmation from that person we’ve always been needing validation from, like a parent or spouse or boss. For others it is the 3-bedroom house with the white picket fence and the perfect dog that never rejects us and always makes us feel less alone. If it’s security in this world we are looking for, we will never find it fully, but we can come awfully close. And it is in that closeness that we lose sight of the freedom that comes with surrender.
Security seems almost within our reach, and we feel most stable when we can literally go through our days without thinking, completely on autopilot. Yes, that’s when we’ve hit the jackpot of feeling like we are in control. And yes, that’s exactly the point in which we begin to feel the true misery that comes along with this leash of our own making. We literally sew the leash thread by thread with each methodical decision we make in order to maintain order. It feels so good while we are knitting it together that we don’t even see it coming—the absolute domestication of our inner beings.
We were born for the jungle.
We live to build our own cages.
Something has gone terribly wrong when our leashes become our comfort rather than our horror.
Think back to the last time you took an actual risk; when you took a step into the unknown on purpose, when you didn’t know what would happen next and you felt the blood rush through your body because you felt the urgency of your existence, when you actually realized that you need God to survive, when you prayed for faith because that’s all you had. That was the last time you felt alive. So keep living and snip the beautifully tight leash you’ve spent so much time creating. Then you will breathe the breath of freedom … the freedom that only lives in the wild.

September 21, 2010

The One Thing

In life there are many things that I question and that I don't understand. I have never confessed to know everything in the world. I also know there are many things that I can't guarantee in life but there are a few things that I can guarantee: I can guarantee that I will make mistakes, I can guarantee that I will always be fascinated by nature and God's creatures, and I can guarantee that God will never change. No matter what happens I know that He loves me. I love this song by Paul Coleman something about it just speaks to my soul so take some time and listen to it and let the words sink into your life and believe that Creator of the universe really loves you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He always tells the truth and He always has your best interest at heart. He really loves you.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8

September 14, 2010

A Strange Coincidence....Time for some Isolation

So shortly after I wrote the blog about choosing happiness my happiness has been put to the test. For the past couple days, I have been in a strange mood. I have been struggling to stay happy. Do you know what this means? It is time for some isolation.

Like I have said before, I have been very busy this past month and I have been constantly around people 24/7.  Being that I am not completely an extrovert it has been difficult for me to be around people this much, but yet I know have to do it so I rely on the Lord for patience and strength.

Isolation is an important part of my life and it helps me to stay not only sane but also connected to the Lord. Isolation helps me to keep my priorities straight and gives me the peace of mind that I need to get through life (which I believe comes from Lord). During my isolation time, I love to read, reflect, and pray. Praying out loud is one of my favorite things because it is like I am just having a conversation with God. I just speak to Him as if He is right next to me and I don't hold anything back (this has to be done in isolation otherwise people think you are crazy, haha). I share with Him all of my frustrations from my day, my joys, and my sorrows. I share with Him all of my hopes and dreams even though I already know that He knows them I still like to talk about them with Him.

 I believe that a time of devotion or isolation is good for the heart. There are many times in the Bible when Jesus would go off alone to pray. God uses those moments to have intimate conversations with His people, take for example Moses, Mary, Joseph, and the disciples.

September 12, 2010

There is an issue with my blog

I have reported to blogger that there are links being put into my blogs without permission so for now please do not click on any words that appear to be connected to a link, thanks.


Think about all of the choices that we are faced with every day.....we can choose what to wear, we can choose whether or not to go into work, we can choose to argue with someone, we can choose to... the list can go on and on! Each morning when you get out of bed there are a million choices that are waiting for you. We have been blessed with the freedom to make our own choices in life.

One choice that we can make is the choice to be happy. God has also given us the opportunity to choose to be happy! No one can make that choice for you. How far are you willing to go to be happy? Are you willing to forgive the person who just cut you off on the highway? Are you willing to forgive that rude person at work? Or how about that one person who has hurt you the most in your life? So the question is how far are you willing to go to be happy? What will you choose?

I choose happiness! I know that my life is not defined by mistakes or by those around me.

 No one in the world can choose for you to be happy, you have to go after it with all your heart. In life we all make our own choices.

September 08, 2010


I am staying in Wisconsin at least until December of this year and then hopefully in October I will find out if I am staying until March.  I am learning so much through this ministry at RiverGlen and all of the things that I expected to learn I have learned, but one thing that I did not expect to learn more about is about how to manage a ministry and how to work/manage people. I am learning a ton about management! Which is great because in most things I am a natural leader but I am hesitate when it comes to managing people because usually I tend to be too soft or too strong so I am finding a lot of balances right now on how to manage a ministry and it's volunteers. I am also learning a lot from those around me who have been in ministry longer. There is a lot of wisdom to be found in the people that surround me every day.

I have also been constantly making a lot of new friends which has been great! I am really starting to feel at home here and I love it! I have also been keeping very busy. Recently, I have loved having some alone time to just go for a walk, relax, and do some reflecting.

Costa Rica....

I am still making preparations for Costa Rica. Language school has been my focus this year and all of the preparations are starting to fall into place. I am currently focused on raising the funds needed to go to language school (I also have just received a part-time job along with my internship, which allows me to continue to save more money for school). I am planning right now to go to language for 6 months, but if the funds become available I would love to stay an additional 3 months in order to complete all of the programs that The Spanish Language Institute has to offer.

 I was originally not going to be sending out support letters but the more I pray about it and the more I talk to people about it, I found out I would be stupid not to. It is not up to me to decide whether or not people should give to my ministry work, it is between them and their relationship with God so if God puts it on their heart to give then I am going to allow them the opportunity to support me and my ministry work. I was going to try to raise all of the money myself but really I need to put my trust in God that the money will come. I am going to work hard but I am also going to allow others to work along side me to help build my future ministry.  

As far as the application process goes I am at a stand still until December because of  my flight schedule. The application for the school requires me to write down my flight times and I have not yet been able to lock in my flight dates, because most airlines do not allow you to schedule flights that are more than a year away.  I have to wait to book a round trip flight from the USA to Costa Rica until December. This is also because the Costa Rican government will not allow someone to stay longer in the country longer than 4 months without a ticket that proves that you plan on eventually leaving the country.  Once I get there I can push back my departure flight if needed. 

P.S. To learn more about the language school I will be attending click on my name at the bottom right hand corner.