February 25, 2010

GOD wants YOU to be HAPPY

  I can't imagine how parents feel when they watch their children go down the wrong path or choose a way of life that they know is going to cause them pain and suffering.  As a parent, I am guessing that you would do everything in your being to try to stop them or to help them find their way.  I wonder how much harder it is for God to watch His children continue to be disobedient and choose a lifestyle that causes them pain and suffering, and ultimately death.  God is continually reaching out to His children and trying to guide them and restore them, but even though God has given us all we will ever need, we continue to pull away from Him. 
  It hurts me to watch people make the wrong choices and settle for things in life that are less than what God has ultimately planned for their life.  I am not saying that I know what is best for someone's life but I know someone who does, God.  In reading His Word, I wonder why do we do all of the stupid things in life that we do?  Why would we settle for anything less than what God has planned for our lives?  Why do we settle for working at a job that makes us miserable?  Why do we choose to be in unhealthy relationships?  Why do we continue trying to convince ourselves that we can change people, when ultimately we believe that God is the only one who can transform someone's heart? 
  God never planned for you to be miserable or to hurt or to experience pain.  He never created you so that you would be left alone to fend for yourself. God loves you and wants you to be happy.  The only way that we can live a life fully alive is in Christ, by leaving our old sinful ways behind along with all of our sinful desires and thoughts.  God is always present and wants what is best for us.  This does not mean that God gives us what is best for us right away, sometimes we have to be willing to wait for it.  He always has our best interest at heart.  I encourage all of you to never settle for anything less than what God has planned for your life.  If you wonder about what God has planned for your life look at Scripture, pray, and seek out other believers to ask for help.  The answer may not always be clear but we can be sure that if we put our trust in God everything will work out for the better, even if at the time God gives you an answer you don't want to hear. Have faith!

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