January 13, 2010

Everything is Urgent...

    On Tuesday, there was a 7.0 earthquake in Haiti.  To learn more about what happened and the magnitude of this earthquake read this link http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=122545946
    I don't want to be too repetitive in my writings but I feel like I need to address this topic of urgency.  When reading that article I was broken.  Have you ever been so broken or so sad that you just have to sit in silence for a while?  Well that is what I had to do after reading that article.
   "Everything is urgent," that is what the author wrote at the bottom of the article.  Saving the people from the rubble, getting medicine to those who are injured, providing food and shelter for the homeless, and the list goes on.  "Everything is urgent".  Do you really believe that?  If so, what are you doing right now to make a difference?  Of course caring for the people in Haiti is urgent but do you feel that it should concern you?  Of course it should! We are called to love others and love the Lord, our God with all our being.
    Loving people and God does not mean that only at Christmas or during a tragedy I am going to give a little extra money or give an hour out of my week to help people in need.  No, that is not the point.  True love means that we put ourselves aside and put others first.  If we really believe that everything is urgent then in our lives there should an urgency to help others and follow God to where ever He leads.  However, this sense of urgency out love needs to be show through our actions.  Take for example the blog from the other day with the two sons, one son did what he was suppose to do after some hesitation but the other son, said, "I will go" and then never did.  Just think about that and I will end this blog on this note for meditation, "In the same way, faith by itself, if it s not accompanied by action, is dead" (James 2:17). Faith with out works, is no faith at all.

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