January 06, 2010

The crossroad where public and private meet...

    I first started blogging this past summer when I went on my internship to Spain. As a result from the positive feedback from others, I would like to continue blogging. This blog is designed to reach out to my supporters (friends and family) and to let them know what God is doing in my life. At the same time, this blog is going to serve as my own personal journal that I can share with others.  Let me share these two blog ideas on a deeper level...
    As I was lying in bed the other night reading my Bible and Crazy Love, by Francis Chan, I started to think about my life and these past couple of years.  God has given me a wonderful life and as I reflected on His grace and power,  I was awestruck.  God is truly amazing.  In addition, I started to reflect on my reading from Crazy Love in chapter two in which the author talks about the reality of our lives and how God has given us this brief scene in a movie, which we call life.  When I am faced with the reality of disease and suffering, such as my grandpa being in the hospital, I am reminded at how short life is.  Death also gives the living a sense of urgency that normally in the hustle and bustle of every day life we seem to forget about.  This urgency and my reflection on God reminds me how important it is for me to share my life and my love for God with others as much as possible.
    I love the quote, "my worth to God in public is what I am in private" (Oswald Chambers).  This quote along with my reading from Crazy Love made me think that when I die, which could be at any moment, then what I am I leaving behind. I thought about the journals that I have had since I was in junior high and I thought, "who would I want to read those?".  These journals reveal my life behind closed doors, who I am in private. During my reflection, I thought about about my life: the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful.  If I am not willing to share those journals with others in public then what do they say about who I am in private? Grant it some of the journals were written before I became a Christian, but what do my journals after I came to know the Lord say about my relationship with God?  Living Out Loud to me is about showing others Christ through my life with no limitations, my public life meets my private life.

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