January 09, 2010

24 Hours

    Will it matter 24 hours from now?  I want you to think about that question for a moment.  I remember the first time I was asked that question, I was on a weekend field trip to Chicago.  I was sitting in a Sunday School room and the teacher passed around index cards and a marker and asked us to write, "Will it matter 24 hours from now?" on the cards.
    Well, that was 2 years ago and I still have that card and think about that question all time.  Will it matter 24 hours from now?  Is what I'm doing right now going to matter tomorrow?  Is this situation worth getting upset about?  Is what I am doing right now glorifying God?  Those are the questions that I think about when I am doing something.
    You know there are some days when I go to bed at night and think, "Where did the time go? Did anything I do today matter?"  It is easy to let time get away from us by letting Satan distract us from fully living our lives for God.  There is a saying that goes, if Satan can't make you bad, then he will make you busy.  Don't get so busy today that you miss out on the important things in life.  Think to yourself, will it matter 24 hours from now?  If the answer is no then I believe that there is something better you can be doing with the time the Lord has given to you.
    This doesn't mean spending every minute of every day reading the Bible, although reading God's Word for a while wouldn't hurt.  It just means making the time we have here on earth count for something more, make what your doing bring glory to God.  One way that I love to glorify God is through loving and caring for my family and friends.  I also love working with children and helping them come to know the Lord.  I love travelling to different parts of the world and sharing God's Word with others.  It is in those moments that I know I am right where God wants me to be, and it is those moments that will matter in eternity.  So ask yourself today, "will it matter 24 hours from now?"

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