May 16, 2012

Coming "Home"

This week I have been enjoying some quality time with one of my best friends, miss Emily Gillis (who is currently at a meeting.). I have loved spending time with her and seeing what her new daily routine is like since she started her new job at a children's home. I love seeing people living and working in area that they are passionate about and that is exactly where Emily is. I love it. It is joy to be apart of her life and seeing how God is working in and through her life, what a privilege! Thanks Em, love you.

It has been a little over two weeks since I have come "home". I put the word home in quotations because although this is technically my home, it no longer seems like it. There are three questions that I have been asked over and over again since my arrival back in the States. One is, "So what do you plan on doing next?". The other is, "So how long do you plan on staying here," and the first question that almost everyone asks, "How does it feel to be home"? In the beginning, I kind of shrugged my shoulders at this question or I said the generic, "good," until someone would ask, "really" and I would respond, "not really, it is still bittersweet". Now after a couple weeks, I can honestly say that it really does feel good to be back in the States and be surrounded by familiar places and faces. It has taken me a while to adjust but slowly, but surely I am starting to feel more comfortable. I have felt extremely content and at peace since my arrival, but I am still processing through all of the culture changes and I am still trying to figure out my weekly routine or how I feel about not having one at all.

On the other hand, "my" plans for the future are wide open, as I have said before we will see where God leads me. This is hard for some people to grasp, but I am content with waiting on the Lord and moving forward as He opens the doors and reveals my next steps. We will see what happens after the summer. For the summer, I am volunteering as a youth sponsor at my church and helping out in other areas as needed. I have loved observing the new changes in the church and seeing all of the growth that has and continues to take place. I am so excited to be able to support my church in any way I can. Central Church of Christ has been such a blessing to me and it feels great to be back for however long the Lord allows. I do still plan on looking for a job after the summer is over in order to begin paying off my student loans, but as for now I am also using this time during the summer to pray about what to do next and where to go long-term. You can join me in prayer on on those things (for guidance and direction). The Lord knows my heart is open and willing, but for now I am prayerfully and patiently waiting and serving where I am at.