March 18, 2011

Are we there yet? (Costa Rica Update)

I have some exciting news, I received more information on Costa Rica! This week I have been introduced to my Big Sister, who will preparing my housing and transportation. I also have received my host family's information and let me just say they sound wonderful! I can't wait to meet them. God has been so good to me throughout this whole process! As I sit back and look at all the wonderful things God has done and put into place, I stand in awe. Without God none of this could be possible, it is only through Him and by His grace that I am able to go to Costa Rica. I am so excited to see what God has in store during my time in language school.

Currently, to prepare for language school I have been practicing my Spanish. Right now I am trying to master the Spanish alphabet. I know most of the letters but I struggle with a few. I have also been trying to recall any and all of the Spanish that I already know. I am actually surprised at how much Spanish I do know.

(As I get closer to my departure date more and more updates will be coming, thank you all so much for your prayers and support!)

March 13, 2011

Just listen...

I love listening to people's stories. There are very few things that I enjoy more than listening to people tell me stories about their lives. Whether that is their testimony about what God is doing in their life or just about their daily life, I love listening to people. Don't get me wrong I do my fair share of talking but I really love hearing other people's stories. For example, these past few months I have been able to go listen to two incredible people share their life stories, what a blessing.

One story was about a woman who went from prostitution to evangelism. She went from nothing to still having nothing but after coming to know the Lord she started giving generously and she began loving on children and teaching them about the Lord. Through her teaching and giving she has been able to help hundreds of woman and children in the Chicago area come to know the Lord. Needless to say I was in tears by the time Ms. Pearl finished talking, but I love that woman.

Another story was about a man who grew up in a missionary home in Africa but then came to the states and began working as a nurse. He was a mountain climber filled with grief and heartache, but instead of living his life with that pain he turned it into his inspiration for helping others. Since his failed attempt at climbing K2 he has become a bestselling author and an internationally known humanitarian worker in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Greg Mortenson's passion for educating children is sweeping through the U.S.A.

Those are just two of the amazing stories that I have had the privilege of hearing these past two months. I am constantly surprised at how God is working in other people's lives and at how God is working in my life. God touches my life through the stories of other people. I love learning from those who are older and wiser. Although, not all stories are happy ones but still God can speak to us through those stories. There are hundreds and hundreds of stories waiting to be told but someone has to be there to listen.

To ignore them is to deny that they ever existed. -  Three Cups of Tea

Costa Rica Update
I can't believe the time is drawing near but I have 43 days left til I leave for Costa Rica. I have purchased my plane ticket and I have received my acceptance letter from the school! Also, today I have received some information about my host family and let me just say they sound great! I am so excited and I can not wait to leave! It is finally starting to sink in that I will be leaving soon and all my worries are going out the window because I know the Lord is Lord and I am not. I have less than $2,000.00 to raise and just this past weekend I stood back in amazement at how the Lord provided for me. From this weekend's sale, I was able to raise $700.00 thanks to some of my wonderful church friends and family members, who donated items and for all of those who prayed for success of the sale. Thank you all so much!